Using This Document / Note to the Reader

The following project was completed as part of Professor Ken Steif’s MUSA 801: MUSA/Smart Cities Practicum at the University of Pennsylvania. The work is considered a proof-of-concept method for predicting lead presence in homes. The body of this document is written as a case study for the non-technical reader, but links are provided throughout to the technical appendix where interested parties can understand how analyses were completed and access the full code necessary to replicate the study.


Cities with older housing stock face the challenge of how to best mitigate the risk of lead poisoning in individual residences. Absent a systematic approach, a diagnosed child is often the main indicator of lead presence in a home. This analysis uses a data driven approach to help proactively identify which residences likely have hazardous lead paint and should be targeted for remediation. Using data from a subset of Minneapolis homes already tested for lead, a model was created to predict lead presence for the remaining homes in the city. A combination of variables based on building and land characteristics, demographic data, and historical information were considered. The final classification regression model returned the probability of lead presence in each home in Minneapolis. To turn the probabilities into predictions of lead presence or absence, a probability threshold value was determined considering the real-world costs and benefits of getting the predictions wrong. The results of the analysis were published on a web application, aggregating predictions to a neighborhood level to protect the privacy of individual homeowners. This tool can be a helpful starting point for prioritizing home inspections and remediation in Minneapolis, but we must acknowledge that the safest solution is to test all homes with any risk of lead paint.

1: Introduction

Minneapolis, like many older US cities, is facing a public health crisis as children are exposed to lead paint through the city’s aging housing stock. Although lead paint was banned in 1978, many homes built prior to the ban may still contain lead, typically located on home’s doors and windows. This is especially true in Minneapolis where two-thirds of homes were built before 1978.

Children ages six and younger are especially susceptible to the dangers of lead poisoning, either through ingestion or inhalation, which can lead to a host of developmental problems, often without symptoms appearing until intervention is too late. The social and economic costs of lead poisoning nationwide - including healthcare, special education, lost tax revenue, and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder - have been estimated to outweigh the costs of lead paint remediation by $181-269 billion (Environmental Health Perspectives). Despite the overwhelming benefits of wide-scale remediation, cities are often limits in the funds they can commit to lead paint control efforts.

Minneapolis has begun tackling the problem through its Lead Hazard Reduction Grant program that offers grant funding to replace windows contaminated with lead paint for residents with young children. The program has so far remediated over 1,000 homes, but interventions have primarily been initiated only after a child has displayed elevated blood lead levels. Recognizing that this reactive approach does little to prevent childhood lead poisoning, the City of Minneapolis is looking to develop a more data driven approach to targeting remediation efforts. The intent of this project is to create a model that predicts the likelihood of lead contamination in any given home in the city. Minneapolis can then use this model to understand where to target outreach and inspection efforts to make efficient use of funding while lowering, and ultimately eliminating, children’s exposure to lead paint.

1.1: Data

We began our analysis by compiling two main types of data: 1) inspection data from Minneapolis indicating which homes tested positive for lead and which did not, and 2) a range of independent variables that may help explain the presence of lead in a home.

The inspection data was provided by the City of Minneapolis and included 1,590 observations, of which roughly two-thirds had lead present and one-third did not. Homes were primarily selected for a lead test following a diagnosis of elevated blood lead levels in a resident child. The result is a spatial clustering of lead test points as seen in the map below, makes it difficult to determine if lead is concentrated in these specific neighborhoods or if our sample of inspected homes suffers from selection bias, shown in Figure 1. We believe the latter is less likely due to the nature of the sample - that lead inspections are prompted by children testing positive for lead. Click here for statistical proof of clustering.

Figure 1

The independent variables were gathered from five primary sources: The City of Minneapolis, the Minneapolis open data website, the Hennepin County open data website, the U.S. Census, and the Brown University longitudinal census-tract level dataset. Gathered data included variables at three different levels of analysis: the parcel level of an individual home, the block group level, and the census tract level. A discussion of the variables considered in our analysis is included in Section 2.

1.2: Methods in Brief

To structure our modeling approach, we began with the assumption that any homes built after 1978 would not contain lead paint because of the federal government ban. Limiting our data to just those home built before 1978, we then hypothesized that the best indicator of lead in a home was whether or not a property had seen significant investment since 1978. This hypothesis was based on two federal lead regulations: one that requires home renovators to be certified in lead-safe work practices, and a second that requires any sellers of a home to disclose information about lead hazards to the buyer.

Our modeling approach uses classification regression to generate the probability of lead paint at the parcel level. An optimal cutoff point is then determined to turn the probabilities into predictions of whether or not a given home has lead present. Details on feature selection, model development, and model validations can be found in Section 4.

2: Exploratory Analysis

Prior to creating a model, we performed an exploratory analysis to understand how the available independent variables individually related to the presence or absence of lead in tested homes. To structure our approach, we broke variables down into 3 categories: parcel level, block group level, and census tract level.

2.1: Exploratory Analysis of Parcel Variables

We looked at all available parcel data - including variables such as square footage, building type, and sales price - and conducted a series of t-tests and chi-squared tests to understand if each variable had a statistically significant relationship to the presence of lead. The full table of variables considered and the results of the significance tests are included in the Appendix here. As an example, we tested whether the count of homes with lead present was statistically different from those without lead present across different housing types. Figure 2 below shows that certain housing types are associated with lead presence and are likely to help predict positive lead inspections in our model.

Figure 2

2.2: Exploratory Analysis of Block Group Variables

We also wanted to consider what aggregated census data might explain about lead presence in a neighborhood as a whole. We pulled current (2016 ACS) block group level data on typical indicators of investment, such as vacancy, median income, and educational attainment. We used t-tests to understand if there were statistically significant differences between the means of the two groups, suggesting whether lead presence was correlated with certain variables, found here.. We also created charts to visualize the difference in the mean value of homes with lead present compared to the mean for those without lead present. As is shown in Figure 3 below, most of the census variables were not associated with lead presence and likely will not help predict positive lead inspections in our model.

Figure 3

2.3: Exploratory Analysis of Historical Census Tract Variables

To better understand neighborhood-level investment in the decades since the 1978 lead paint ban, we also looked at historical demographic and housing characteristics at the census tract level. Data on home ownership, vacancy, and value was pulled from the decennial census for the years 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010 and standardized for changes in census tract boundaries. We created change variables across decades to understand if neighborhoods had seen substantial investment over time, and, as a result, may have had home renovations that removed any lead paint present. For example, in Figure 4 we have included the plot and map of Rental Change (the number of units rented over the total number of units) between 1990 and 2000, which we found was associated with lead presence. Similar to the block group variables analysis, we used t-tests to understand if there were statistically significant differences between the means of the two groups, suggesting whether lead presence was correlated with certain variables, found here.

Figure 4

3: Feature Engineering

The variables discussed above can be manipulated in different ways to create more accurate predictors of lead presence. For example, we considered how engineering a home’s sales data could best serve our model. We summed the total number of times a house was sold, calculated the maximum sales price of a home, and identified the number of years since the last sale date. By creating more features from our data, we attempted to mine additional predictive power that might better suggest investments had been made in a home.

A summary of all of variables and their engineered variations can be seen in the table here.

4: Modeling

Following our exploratory analysis and feature engineering process, we began building models and testing their predictive power on lead paint presence.

4.1: Modeling: Feature Selection and Development

Using different feature selection techniques - including Stepwise, Boruta, and XGBoost - we built five machine learning models to estimate the probability of lead in any given home. Training the models on a subset of the inspection data, we then applied each model to a test set of withheld data. We compared the models’ performance on the test data using Area Under the Curve (AUC) as the goodness of fit metric. Figure 5 below shows the ROC curve for each model tested. While the Boruta selection technique returned the model with the highest AUC, the model included over 50 variables, indicating it would likely not be generalizable to untrained data. We instead selected the model with the next highest AUC (0.72) and 65% fewer variables. For details on the feature selection techniques used to develop our models, refer to the Appendix here.

Figure 5

4.2: Modeling: Final Model

Our final model included the independent variables shown in the figure below.

Variable Analysis Level
Build Year Parcel
Community Census Tract
Building Usage Parcel
Permit Count Parcel
Owner/Renter Divide of Unit Parcel
Education Attainment (HS Grad or Higher) Block Group
Number of Bedrooms Parcel
Number of Renters, 2010 Census Tract
Total Penalty on House Parcel
Number of Transactions since 1988 Parcel
Distance to Five Nearest Vacant Properties Parcel
Ownership Rate, 1990 Census Tract
Vacancy Change, 1980-90 Census Tract
Ownership Rate, 1970 Census Tract
Renter Rate, 1980 Census Tract
Children 5 to 9 Block Group
Year Last Sold Parcel
Vacancy Rate, 1970 Census Tract

The majority of the variables were at the parcel-level, which suggested our model was not overfit on neighborhood characteristics, but rather that lead presence is better explained by the features of a home itself. Historical variables also featured heavily in our model, which fit our hypothesis that changes in neighborhood investment in the 40 years since the lead paint ban help explain the presence or absence of lead.

For each home in the test set, the model returned predicted probability of lead interpreted as the risk of lead inundation. In order to turn the probabilities into “Lead” or “No Lead” predictions, we devised a cutoff such that any probability above this threshold was assigned “Lead Present” and any probability below this threshold is assigned “No Lead Present”.

No cutoff value would perfectly predict the presence of lead in every home, so we had to consider the tradeoffs between two different types of incorrect predictions. The first type of incorrect prediction is one where the model predicted lead but there was no lead present (a false positive). The second type of incorrect prediction is one where we predicted no lead but there was lead present (a false negative). This second type of incorrect prediction has huge societal costs when a young child is present in the home, as seen in the infographic above.

In order to minimize the social costs of predicting incorrectly, we optimized our model to the number of homes correctly predicting for lead present (the true positive rate, or sensitivity). To avoid creating a model that simply predicted lead in every home, we also needed to consider other goodness of fit metrics. Figure 6 below compares the sensitivity to the overall number of correct predictions (accuracy) and the true negative rate (specificity). Balancing out the true positive rate for both accuracy and specificity, we reached a final cutoff value of 0.3.

Figure 6

Using this cutoff value, we predicted whether or not each home in the test set had lead and compared it to the actual results of the home inspection. Figure 7 shows our accuracy of predictions. Although our model does not predict every parcel in the test set correctly, the incorrect predictions are not spatially clustered, and our model appears consistent across different areas of the city.

Figure 7

4.3: Model Validation

After finalizing our predictions for lead presence in our train and test set, we validated the model using a combination of cross validation and spatial cross validation. Cross validation ensured that our model performed similarly when the data was trained on different subsets of our initial inspection dataset. To do this, we used 100-fold cross validation to randomly select 100 different training sets from our initial dataset and test it on the withheld test set. As shown in figure 8, our model performance was fairly consistent across selections: over 75% of all models had an AUC falling between 0.5 and 0.75.

Figure 8

We also performed spatial cross validation to test how well our model predicted across neighborhoods with different demographics and built environment characteristics, in this case median neighborhood income. A model that performs consistently across areas with varying attributes is important to ensure an equitable approach to home inspection targeting.The map in Figure 9, however, shows that our model performs better in richer neighborhoods and worse in poorer neighborhoods. We believe this inconsistent model performance is a function of the spatial clustering of initial inspection sites.

Figure 9

5: Results: Citywide Predictions for Minneapolis

After validating our model on the test dataset, we applied the model to the full set of parcels in Minneapolis to predict the presence or absence of lead for every home in the city. While these parcel-level predictions can be shared with city officials, our public findings are aggregated to the neighborhood level to protect the privacy of individual residents. An aggregated rate was calculated by dividing the number of predicted lead positive homes in a neighborhood by the total number of homes in the neighborhood.

These rates have been published on a web application here that is geared to resident users who want to understand the lead risk in their community. Users can select a Minneapolis neighborhood from a drop-down menu and see how their rate of lead risk compares to surrounding neighborhoods. While our primary audience for the application is Minneapolis residents, we also believe it can assist the City in identifying neighborhoods for targeted outreach initiatives.

6: Conclusion

This analysis served as a proof of concept that a classification regression model could be used to predict the presence or absence of lead in homes across a city. We acknowledge certain limitations of our model and would recommend certain amendments to any other city or group interested in replicating the analysis. It may be that the spatial clustering of our initial inspection dataset prevented our team from fully understanding the accuracy of our final model in those neighborhoods with no test points, and we would recommend a similar study use geographically dispersed, and ideally randomized, observation points.

Further, while the data available in Minneapolis is robust and our final model offers fairly accurate predictions of lead presence, there is considerable room for improvement. This highlights the difficulty of capturing internal features of a home given current available data. For future analyses, we would suggest obtaining any additional or more granular data on permitting and home renovations to better understand which homes may have already have lead paint removed.

An important final disclaimer to this analysis is that while choosing a cutoff value is a necessary part of having a cost-effective lead remediation program, any chosen cutoff means that the model could be missing homes that have lead present. Cities ideally should devote enough resources so that every house built before 1978 could be inspected for lead. The cost to test and remediate a home will always be less than the cost of dealing with the lasting effects of lead poisoning.

7: Additional Information

7.1: Spatial Autocorrelation

leadCoords <- testedParcels %>%
     dplyr::select(geometry) %>%
     st_transform(26851) %>% 
     mutate(X = st_coordinates(testedParcels %>% st_transform(26851))[,1]) %>% 
     mutate(Y = st_coordinates(testedParcels %>% st_transform(26851))[,2]) %>% %>% 
     dplyr::select(X,Y) %>% 

neighborPointsLead <- knn2nb(knearneigh(leadCoords, 5))
spatialWeights <- nb2listw(neighborPointsLead, style="W")

moranTest <-$Lead_Hazar, spatialWeights,nsim = 999)

moransCluster <- ggplot($res), aes(moranTest$res)) + 
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.01) +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = moranTest$statistic), colour = "red",size=1) +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-1, 1)) +
  labs(title="Observed and permuted Moran's I")

This graph shows that most of the lead test values exhibit spatial autocorrelation as a cluster.

7.2: Parcel Level Variables Table

Variable P.Value Type Significance
High Density Zoning 0.2830513 Parcel-Level Variables No
Medium Density Zoning 0.0000000 Parcel-Level Variables Yes
Low Density Zoning 0.0000000 Parcel-Level Variables Yes
Other Zoning 0.0000000 Parcel-Level Variables Yes
Apartment 0.8787937 Parcel-Level Variables No
Condo 0.1024704 Parcel-Level Variables No
Low Income Rental 0.0186029 Parcel-Level Variables Yes
Residential 0.0000000 Parcel-Level Variables Yes
Residential Two-Unit 0.0000000 Parcel-Level Variables Yes
Triplex 0.0055457 Parcel-Level Variables Yes
Two Family 0.0000000 Parcel-Level Variables Yes
Apartment, 4 or 5 Unit 0.0195367 Parcel-Level Variables Yes
Apartment, 6+ Unit 0.0000006 Parcel-Level Variables Yes
Converted Apartment 0.0000160 Parcel-Level Variables Yes
Double Bungalow 0.0330063 Parcel-Level Variables Yes
Duplex 0.0000000 Parcel-Level Variables Yes
Multi-family 0.1443998 Parcel-Level Variables No
Single Family 0.0000000 Parcel-Level Variables Yes
Tri-plex 0.0330063 Parcel-Level Variables Yes
Brick 0.5210752 Parcel-Level Variables No
Vinyl 0.0000000 Parcel-Level Variables Yes
Stucco 0.0000000 Parcel-Level Variables Yes
Wood 0.0000001 Parcel-Level Variables Yes
Other 0.0000000 Parcel-Level Variables Yes

7.3: Block Group Variables Table

Variable P.Value Type Significant
Children Under 5 0.887033940551173 2016 Block Group Variable No
Children 5-9 0.973567645506865 2016 Block Group Variable No
Earnings 0.00883092556720454 2016 Block Group Variable Yes
Education Attainment (HS Grad or Higher) 0.689366494626886 2016 Block Group Variable No
Median Income 0.497454181873215 2016 Block Group Variable No
Number of houses under Mortgage 0.301899348459244 2016 Block Group Variable No
People under Poverty Line 0.560766651301914 2016 Block Group Variable No
Home Ownership 0.00883092556720454 2016 Block Group Variable Yes
Number of Vacant Properties 0.000855886471889875 2016 Block Group Variable Yes

7.4: Census Tract Variables Table

Variable P.Value Type Significant
Rent Change 2000-10 0.278798991907662 Census Tract Variables No
Rent Change 1980-90 0.496060792031515 Census Tract Variables No
Rent Change 1990-2000 0.000252418732300767 Census Tract Variables Yes
Vacancy Rate 2000 0.55575421644707 Census Tract Variables No
Vacany Rate 2010 0.0437739827453729 Census Tract Variables Yes
Vacany Rate 1990 0.63240630742186 Census Tract Variables No
Vacany Rate Change 2000-10 0.792848717383236 Census Tract Variables No
Vacancy Rate Change 1980-90 0.0508372639323898 Census Tract Variables Yes
Vacancy Rate Change 1990-2000 0.534290252673093 Census Tract Variables No

7.5: Feature Engineering Variables

Variable Data Source
Distance to Positive Lead Test Lead Test Data
Distance to Foreclosure Sales Data
Distance to Residential Complaints 311 Data
Distance to Vacant Lots Land Characteristics Data
Permit Counts Permit Data
Possible Lead Permit Permit Data
Valuation Valuation Data
Max Sale Price Sale Data
Min Sale Price Sale Data
Difference in Max and Min Sale Price Sale Data
Number of Sales Sale Data
Vacany Change (Each decade from 1970-2010) Historic Census Tract Data
Ownership Change (Each decade from 1970-2010) Historic Census Tract Data
Renter Change (Each decade from 1970-2010) Historic Census Tract Data

8: Appendix

8.1: Building Base


options(scipen = 999)

plotTheme <- function(base_size = 24) {
    text = element_text( color = "black"),
    plot.title = element_text(size = 18,colour = "black"),
    plot.subtitle = element_text(face="italic"),
    plot.caption = element_text(hjust=0),
    axis.ticks = element_blank(),
    panel.background = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.major.y = element_line("grey80", size = 0.1),
    panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
    strip.background = element_rect(fill = "grey80", color = "white"),
    strip.text = element_text(size=12),
    axis.title = element_text(size=8),
    axis.text = element_text(size=8),
    axis.title.y = element_text(size=12),
    plot.background = element_blank(),
    legend.background = element_blank(),
    legend.title = element_text(colour = "black", face = "italic"),
    legend.text = element_text(colour = "black", face = "italic"),
    axis.ticks.y = element_line(color="grey70"),
    axis.text.x =  element_blank(),
    axis.title.x = element_blank(),
    axis.ticks.x = element_blank())

mapTheme <- function(base_size = 24) {
    text = element_text( color = "black"),
    plot.title = element_text(size = 18,colour = "black"),
    axis.ticks = element_blank(),
    panel.background = element_blank(),
    axis.title = element_blank(),
    axis.text = element_blank(),
    axis.title.x = element_blank(),
    axis.title.y = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
    panel.border = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "#ffffff")

paletteChoropleth <- c("#CFF09E","#A8DBA8","#79BD9A","#3B8686", "#0B486B")

paletteLead <- c("#477371","#FFFF00")
paletteCorrect <- c("#71F229","#E81434")
paletteClassified <- c("#FFCC07","#2C4A54")
paletteConfuse <- c("#65BC7A","#490A3D","#F56991","#FA6900")
palette2 <- c("#F56991","#FA6900","#490A3D")

 {r prep, include=FALSE, echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE}
# Basics ------------------------------------------------------------------
minneaParcels <- sf::st_read("C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/Shapefiles/forR_test.shp")
minneaHOLC <- st_read("C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/Shapefiles/HOLC_Minneapolis.shp")
tractshp <- read_sf("C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/Shapefiles/CensusTracts_2016_clip_proj.shp")

Minnea1 <- st_join(minneaParcels %>% st_transform(4326), minneaHOLC)

Minnea2 <- dplyr::select(Minnea1, PID, BUILD_YR, SALE_DATE, SALE_PRICE,TOT_PENALT, 
                         EARLIEST_D, PR_TYP_NM1, OWNER_PCT1,QUAL_IMPR1,Lead_Hazar, PID_1, holc_grade)

newPID <- as.character(Minnea2$PID_1)
inter <-
testedParcels_PID <- na.exclude(inter$newPID)
new <-

Minnea3 <-
finalTested <- left_join(new, Minnea3, by=c("testedParcels_PID" = "PID_1"))
Parcels <- st_as_sf(finalTested)

minneapolis <- st_read("C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/Shapefiles/CityBoundary_proj.shp")
minneapolis_roads <-st_read("C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/Shapefiles/Streets_proj_clip.shp")
minneapolis_water <- st_read("C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/Shapefiles/water_proj_clip.shp")
Complaints <- st_read("C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/Shapefiles/311_Public_2017_proj.shp") %>% st_transform(26851)
ResComplaints <- Complaints %>%
  filter(TYPENAME == "Residential Conditions Complaint Tenant" | TYPENAME == "Residential Conditions Complaint")
land <- st_read("C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/Shapefiles/AssessorLandCharacteristics2017_proj.shp")
parcels_land_building <- sf::st_read("C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/Shapefiles/parcels_land_building.shp") %>% st_transform(26851)
building <- st_read("C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/Shapefiles/AssessorBuildingCharacteristics_2017_proj.shp")  %>% st_transform(26851)
parcels_all_lead <- left_join(,, by="PID") #%>% dplyr::rename(BUILD_YR = BUILD_YR.x, SALE_DATE = SALE_DATE.x, SALE_PRICE = SALE_PRICE.x,TOT_PENALT = TOT_PENALT.x, 
                                                                                                                 #EARLIEST_D = EARLIEST_D.x, PR_TYP_NM1 = PR_TYP_NM1.x, OWNER_PCT1 = OWNER_PCT1.x,QUAL_IMPR1=QUAL_IMPR1.x,Lead_Hazar)

baseMap <- ggplot() + 
  #geom_sf(data=minneaGrid, aes(), fill=NA, colour="darkgreen") +
  geom_sf(data=minneapolis_roads %>% filter(SPEED_LIM > 40), aes(), fill=NA, colour='grey70') + 
  geom_sf(data=minneapolis_water, aes(), fill="skyblue", colour = NA) +
  geom_sf(data=minneapolis, aes(), fill=NA, colour="black", size = 1.5) +
  labs(title= "Minneapolis") +

#baseMap + geom_sf(data=Parcels, aes(color=factor(Parcels$Lead_Hazar))) + scale_colour_manual(values = paletteLead)

lead <- Parcels %>% filter(Lead_Hazar == 1)

##Sale Data - all 
saleData <- read_csv("C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/SpreadsheetData/saleData.csv")
saleData <- rename(saleData, PID = apn)

saleDataForeclosure <- saleData %>% filter(saleData$saleType == "Forclse/Divrce/Bnkrpt") %>% group_by(PID)

SDF1 <- saleDataForeclosure %>% 
  group_by(PID) %>% 

SDF <- aggregate(saleType ~ PID, data = saleDataForeclosure, c)
SDF <-
SDF$apn <- as.character(SDF$PID)

Minnea3$PID <- as.character(Minnea3$PID)
Foreclosure <- left_join(SDF, Minnea3, by=c("apn" = "PID"))
foreclosureSites <- Foreclosure %>% st_as_sf() %>% st_transform(26851)
foreclosureSites <- foreclosureSites %>% filter(SALE_PRICE != "N/A")

#Sale Data # see the structure of dataset
unlist(lapply(saleData, class))# see the structure of dataset

saleData_date <- separate(saleData, saleDate, c("saleyear", "salemonth", "saleday"))
monthly_cpi <-
  read.csv("C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/SpreadsheetData/CPIAUCSL.csv", header = TRUE)
monthly_cpi$cpi_year <- lubridate::year(monthly_cpi$DATE)
yearly_cpi <- monthly_cpi %>% group_by(cpi_year) %>% dplyr::summarize(cpi = mean(CPIAUCSL))
yearly_cpi$adj_factor <- (yearly_cpi$cpi[yearly_cpi$cpi_year == 2017])/yearly_cpi$cpi

yearly_cpi <- yearly_cpi %>% dplyr::filter(cpi_year > 1982) %>% dplyr::filter(cpi_year < 2018)

# change data types
newsaleData <-
  saleData_date %>%
  mutate(PID = PID,
         saleyear = as.numeric(saleyear),
         salemonth = as.numeric(salemonth),
         saleday = as.numeric(saleday),
         salePrice = as.numeric(salePrice),
         saleType = as.factor(saleType)) %>%
  dplyr::select(PID,saleyear, salemonth,salePrice, saleType) %>%

newsaleData1 <- left_join(newsaleData, yearly_cpi, by=c("saleyear"="cpi_year"))

newsaleData1$realprice <- (newsaleData1$salePrice * newsaleData1$adj_factor)
# create a combine field to join with the correct PID

#newsaleData$combField <- paste0(newsaleData$salePrice,newsaleData$saleType)newsaleData <- rename(newsaleData,PID =apn)#summary(newsaleData)

# Total number of sales times
salecount1 <- newsaleData1 %>%  
  group_by(PID) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(salecountTotal=n()) %>% 

# Highest historical price
saleprice_max <- newsaleData1 %>%  
  group_by(PID) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(price_max=max(realprice), price_min=min(realprice)) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(pricechange=price_max-price_min) %>% 

# latest sale year
yearsold <- newsaleData1 %>%  
  group_by(PID) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(yearsold=max(saleyear)) %>%

# number of years since last trascation
yearssincesold <- yearsold %>%  

MNSalesData <- left_join(yearssincesold, saleprice_max, by=c("PID" = "PID"))
MNSalesData <- left_join(MNSalesData, salecount1, by=c("PID" = "PID"))

Valuation <- read.csv("C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/SpreadsheetData/valuationData.csv", header = F) 
colnames(Valuation) <- c("apn", "year", "homesteadPct", "buildingValue",
                         "landValue", "machineryValue", "totalValue", "taxableValue")
Valuation <- dplyr::select(Valuation, apn, year, totalValue)

#  valuation - change data type
Valuation2 <- Valuation %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(year = as.numeric(year),
                totalValue = as.numeric(totalValue)) %>%
  dplyr::select(apn,year, totalValue) %>%

# create a combine field to join with the correct PID
#newsaleData$combField <- paste0(newsaleData$salePrice,newsaleData$saleType)
Valuation2 <- rename(Valuation2,PID =apn)

# Total number of valuation time
Valuation_tojoin <- Valuation2 %>%  
  group_by(PID) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(totalValue = max(totalValue)) %>%
class(Valuation_tojoin$PID) # (Valuation_tojoin) [Maureen]

#Permit data
permits <- read.csv("C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/SpreadsheetData/permits.csv", header = FALSE)
permits <- dplyr::rename(permits, apn = V1, permitNumber = V2, issueDate = V3, completeDate = V4, permitType = V5, permitTypeDescription = V6, decision = V7, status = V8, value = V9)

#new column for whether parcel had relevant permit for "residential building", "building", "wrecking/moving"
permits <- mutate(permits, PermitLead = ifelse(permitTypeDescription == "Residential Building Permit", 1, 
                                               ifelse(permitTypeDescription == "BUILDING", 1,
                                                      ifelse(permitTypeDescription =="WRECKING/MOVING", 1,
                                                             ifelse(permitTypeDescription == "Wrecking Permit", 1, 0)))))
permits <- dplyr::select(permits, apn, PermitLead)

#count of total relevant permits per parcel
permitCount <- permits %>%  
  group_by(apn) %>% 
permitCount2 <- permits %>% 
  group_by(apn) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(PermitCountLead= sum(PermitLead == "1"))      #[data prep and joining here]

#Land and Building Characteristics
parcels_land_building <- sf::st_read("C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/Shapefiles/parcels_land_building.shp") %>% st_transform(26851)
building <- st_read("C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/Shapefiles/AssessorBuildingCharacteristics_2017_proj.shp")  %>% st_transform(26851)
#land <- st_read("AssessorLandCharacteristics2017_proj.shp") %>% st_transform(26851)
parcels_all_lead <- left_join(,, by="PID")

parcels_all_lead$Lead_Hazar[$Lead_Hazar)] <- 2

parcels_all_lead$Lead_Hazar <- as.factor(parcels_all_lead$Lead_Hazar)
VacantLand <- land %>% filter(LandUse == "VACANT LAND")

8.2: Nearest Neighbor Analysis

{r kernelDensity, include=FALSE, echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE}
# Kernel Density ----------------------------------------------------------

minneaWindow <- owin(c((2798377/5280),(2833409/5280)), c((1018085/5280),(1076634/5280)))

leadX <- (st_coordinates(lead)[,1])/5280
leadY <- (st_coordinates(lead)[,2])/5280
leadDens <- cbind(leadX, leadY)
leadDens1 <-
lead.points.sf <- st_as_sf(x = leadDens1, coords = 1:2)

vacantX <- (st_coordinates(VacantLand)[,1])/5280
vacantY <- (st_coordinates(VacantLand)[,2])/5280
vacantDens <- cbind(vacantX, vacantY)
vacantDens1 <-
vacant.points.sf <- st_as_sf(x = vacantDens1, coords = 1:2)

foreclosureX <- (st_coordinates(foreclosureSites)[,1])/5280
foreclosureY <- (st_coordinates(foreclosureSites)[,2])/5280
foreclosureDens <- cbind(foreclosureX, foreclosureY)
foreclosureDens1 <-
foreclosure.points.sf <- st_as_sf(x = foreclosureDens1, coords = 1:2)

resCompX <- (st_coordinates(ResComplaints)[,1])/5280
resCompY <- (st_coordinates(ResComplaints)[,2])/5280
resCompDens <- cbind(resCompX, resCompY)
resCompDens1 <-
resComp.points.sf <- st_as_sf(x=resCompDens1, coords = 1:2)

vacancy <- as.ppp(vacantDens,minneaWindow)
lead.ppp <- as.ppp(leadDens, minneaWindow)
foreclosure.ppp <- as.ppp(foreclosureDens, minneaWindow)
resComp.ppp <- as.ppp(resCompDens, minneaWindow)
densityRasterLead <- raster(density(lead.ppp))
densityRasterVacancy <- raster(density(vacancy))
densityRasterForeclosure <- raster(density(foreclosure.ppp))
densityRasterResComp <- raster(density(resComp.ppp))

lead_spdf <- as(densityRasterLead, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame")
lead_df <-
colnames(lead_df) <- c("value", "x", "y")
lead_df$x <- (lead_df$x * 5280)
lead_df$y <- (lead_df$y *5280)

coordinates(lead_df) <- ~ x + y
# coerce to SpatialPixelsDataFrame
gridded(lead_df) <- TRUE
# coerce to raster
leadRaster <- raster(lead_df)

new <- raster::mask(leadRaster, minnea)
lead_spdf1 <- as(new, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame")
lead_df1 <-
colnames(lead_df1) <- c("value", "x", "y")

vacancy_spdf <- as(densityRasterVacancy, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame")
vacancy_df <-
colnames(vacancy_df) <- c("value", "x", "y")
vacancy_df$x <- (vacancy_df$x * 5280)
vacancy_df$y <- (vacancy_df$y *5280)

coordinates(vacancy_df) <- ~ x + y
# coerce to SpatialPixelsDataFrame
gridded(vacancy_df) <- TRUE
# coerce to raster
vacancyRaster <- raster(vacancy_df)

new1 <- raster::mask(vacancyRaster, minnea)
vacancy_spdf1 <- as(new1, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame")
vacancy_df1 <-
colnames(vacancy_df1) <- c("value", "x", "y")

foreclosure_spdf <- as(densityRasterForeclosure, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame")
foreclosure_df <-
colnames(foreclosure_df) <- c("value", "x", "y")
foreclosure_df$x <- (foreclosure_df$x * 5280)
foreclosure_df$y <- (foreclosure_df$y *5280)

coordinates(foreclosure_df) <- ~ x + y
# coerce to SpatialPixelsDataFrame
gridded(foreclosure_df) <- TRUE
# coerce to raster
foreclosureRaster <- raster(foreclosure_df)

new2 <- raster::mask(foreclosureRaster, minnea)
foreclosure_spdf1 <- as(new2, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame")
foreclosure_df1 <-
colnames(foreclosure_df1) <- c("value", "x", "y")

resComp_spdf <- as(densityRasterResComp, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame")
resComp_df <-
colnames(resComp_df) <- c("value", "x", "y")
resComp_df$x <- (resComp_df$x * 5280)
resComp_df$y <- (resComp_df$y *5280)

coordinates(resComp_df) <- ~ x + y
# coerce to SpatialPixelsDataFrame
gridded(resComp_df) <- TRUE
# coerce to raster
resCompRaster <- raster(resComp_df)

new3 <- raster::mask(resCompRaster, minnea)
resComp_spdf1 <- as(new3, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame")
resComp_df1 <-
colnames(resComp_df1) <- c("value", "x", "y")

{r densityMaps, include=FALSE, echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE}
vacancyDensityMap <- ggplot() + 
  geom_tile(data=vacancy_df1, aes(x=x, y=y, fill=value)) +
  geom_sf(data=minneapolis, aes(), fill=NA, colour="black", size = 1.5) +
  scale_fill_gradientn(colours = paletteChoropleth, breaks = c(min(vacancy_df1$value),max(vacancy_df1$value)), labels =c("Lowest Density", "Highest Density")) +
  geom_point(data=lead, x=(st_coordinates(lead)[,1]), y=(st_coordinates(lead)[,2]),
             aes(color= as.factor(Lead_Hazar)),size=1.5) +
  scale_color_manual(values=paletteLead[2], labels="Positive") +
  labs(color="Lead Presence", fill="", title = "Lead Presence in Minneapolis \nvs. Density of Vacant Parcels")

foreclosureDensityMap <- ggplot() + 
  geom_tile(data=foreclosure_df1, aes(x=x, y=y, fill=value)) +
  geom_sf(data=minneapolis, aes(), fill=NA, colour="black", size = 1.5) +
  scale_fill_gradientn(colours = paletteChoropleth, breaks = c(min(foreclosure_df1$value),max(foreclosure_df1$value)), labels =c("Lowest Density", "Highest Density")) +
  geom_point(data=lead, x=(st_coordinates(lead)[,1]), y=(st_coordinates(lead)[,2]),
             aes(color= as.factor(Lead_Hazar)),size=1.5) +
  scale_color_manual(values=paletteLead[2], labels="Positive") +
  labs(color="Lead Presence", fill="", title = "Lead Presence in Minneapolis \nvs. Density of Foreclosures")

resCompDensityMap <- ggplot() + 
  geom_tile(data=resComp_df1, aes(x=x, y=y, fill=value)) +
  geom_sf(data=minneapolis, aes(), fill=NA, colour="black", size = 1.5) +
  scale_fill_gradientn(colours = paletteChoropleth, breaks = c(min(resComp_df1$value),max(resComp_df1$value)), labels =c("Lowest Density", "Highest Density")) +
  geom_point(data=lead, x=(st_coordinates(lead)[,1]), y=(st_coordinates(lead)[,2]),
             aes(color= as.factor(Lead_Hazar)),size=1.5) +
  scale_color_manual(values=paletteLead[2], labels="Positive") +
  labs(color="Lead Presence", fill="", title = "Lead Presence in Minneapolis \nvs. Density of 311 Complaints", subtitle = "Residential Conditions Complaints only")

leadDensityMap <- ggplot() + 
  geom_tile(data=lead_df1, aes(x=x, y=y, fill=value)) +
  geom_sf(data=minneapolis, aes(), fill=NA, colour="black", size = 1.5) +
  scale_fill_gradientn(colours = paletteChoropleth, breaks = c(min(lead_df1$value),max(lead_df1$value)), labels =c("Lowest Density", "Highest Density")) +
  #geom_point(data=lead, x=(st_coordinates(lead)[,1]), y=(st_coordinates(lead)[,2]),
  #aes(color= as.factor(Lead_Hazar)),size=1.5) +
  #scale_color_manual(values=paletteLead[2], labels="Positive") +
  labs(color="Lead Presence", fill="", title = "Lead Presence in Minneapolis \n Density Map")

{r KNN, include=FALSE, echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE}
# KNN ---------------------------------------------------------------------
vacantLand <- VacantLand %>%
  dplyr::select(geometry) %>%
  st_transform(26851) %>%
  mutate(type = "Vacant Land") %>%

leadPoints <- parcels_all_lead %>%
  st_as_sf() %>% 
  st_centroid() %>% %>% 
  dplyr::select(geometry = geometry.x) %>%
  mutate(type = "Lead") %>%
  st_as_sf() %>%

#  leadPoints <- minneaParcels %>%
#    dplyr::select(geometry,PID_1) %>%
#    st_transform(26851) %>%
#    mutate(type = "Lead") %>%
# %>%
#   na.omit(PID_1) %>%
#   dplyr::select(-PID_1) %>%
#   as.matrix
allPlaces <- rbind(vacantLand, leadPoints)

allPlaces <- cbind(, data.frame(allPlaces))

leadPointsXY <-
  allPlaces %>%
  filter(type == "Lead") %>%
  dplyr::select(X,Y) %>%

vacantLandXY <-
  allPlaces %>%
  filter(type == "Vacant Land") %>%
  dplyr::select(X,Y) %>%

Vacancynn1 <- get.knnx(vacantLandXY,leadPointsXY,k=1)
Vacancynn3 <- get.knnx(vacantLandXY,leadPointsXY,k=3)
Vacancynn5 <- get.knnx(vacantLandXY,leadPointsXY,k=5)

leadOneVacant <-$nn.dist) %>% 
  tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "Lead") %>% 
  tidyr::gather(VacantLandUse, VacantLand_Distance, V1) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(Lead)) %>% 
  group_by(Lead) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(d_vacantOne = mean(VacantLand_Distance)) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(Lead)) %>% 

leadThreeVacant <-$nn.dist) %>% 
  tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "Lead") %>% 
  tidyr::gather(VacantLandUse, VacantLand_Distance, V1:V3) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(Lead)) %>% 
  group_by(Lead) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(d_vacantThree = mean(VacantLand_Distance)) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(Lead)) %>% 

leadFiveVacant <-$nn.dist) %>% 
  tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "Lead") %>% 
  tidyr::gather(VacantLandUse, VacantLand_Distance, V1:V5) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(Lead)) %>% 
  group_by(Lead) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(d_vacantFive = mean(VacantLand_Distance)) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(Lead)) %>% 

minnea_vacancyOne <-, d_vacant = leadOneVacant$d_vacantOne, KNN = "Nearest Vacant Lot"))
minnea_vacancyThree <-,d_vacant = leadThreeVacant$d_vacantThree, KNN = "Three Nearest Vacant Lots"))
minnea_vacancyFive <-,d_vacant = leadFiveVacant$d_vacantFive, KNN = "Five Nearest Vacant Lots"))
minnea_vacancy_distance <- rbind(minnea_vacancyOne, minnea_vacancyThree, minnea_vacancyFive)

vacancy_Distance_Facet <- minnea_vacancy_distance %>% 
  group_by(Lead_Hazar, KNN) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(Mean = mean(d_vacant)) %>% 
  ggplot(., aes(x = Lead_Hazar, y = Mean, group=KNN, fill = as.factor(Lead_Hazar))) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity") +
  geom_text(inherit.aes = TRUE, aes(label=paste(round(Mean),"feet"), vjust=-.5)) +
  facet_wrap(~KNN) +
  labs(title="Nearest Vacant Lot", y="Mean Distance", fill="Lead Presence") +
  theme(panel.background = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.y = element_line(color="grey70"),
        axis.text.x =  element_blank(),
        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major.y = element_line(colour="grey70"))

ResCompPoints <- ResComplaints %>%
  dplyr::select(geometry) %>%
  st_transform(26851) %>%
  mutate(type = "Complaint")

allPlaces1 <- rbind(ResCompPoints, leadPoints)
allPlaces1 <- cbind(, data.frame(allPlaces1))
ResCompPointsXY <-
  allPlaces1 %>%
  filter(type == "Complaint") %>%
  dplyr::select(X,Y) %>%

ResCompnn1 <- get.knnx(ResCompPointsXY,leadPointsXY,k=1)
ResCompnn3 <- get.knnx(ResCompPointsXY,leadPointsXY,k=3)
ResCompnn5 <- get.knnx(ResCompPointsXY,leadPointsXY,k=5)

leadOneComp <-$nn.dist) %>% 
  tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "Lead") %>% 
  tidyr::gather(ResComp, ResComp_Distance, V1) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(Lead)) %>% 
  group_by(Lead) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(d_ResCompOne = mean(ResComp_Distance)) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(Lead)) %>% 

leadThreeComp <-$nn.dist) %>% 
  tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "Lead") %>% 
  tidyr::gather(ResComp, ResComp_Distance, V1:V3) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(Lead)) %>% 
  group_by(Lead) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(d_ResCompThree = mean(ResComp_Distance)) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(Lead)) %>% 

leadFiveComp <-$nn.dist) %>% 
  tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "Lead") %>% 
  tidyr::gather(ResComp, ResComp_Distance, V1:V5) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(Lead)) %>% 
  group_by(Lead) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(d_ResCompFive = mean(ResComp_Distance)) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(Lead)) %>% 

minnea_compOne <-, d_ResComp = leadOneComp$d_ResCompOne, KNN = "Nearest Call"))
minnea_compThree <-,d_ResComp = leadThreeComp$d_ResCompThree, KNN = "Nearest Three Calls"))
minnea_compFive <-,d_ResComp = leadFiveComp$d_ResCompFive, KNN = "Nearest Five Calls"))
minnea_comp_distance <- rbind(minnea_compOne, minnea_compThree, minnea_compFive)

ResComp_Distance_Facet <- minnea_comp_distance %>% 
  group_by(Lead_Hazar, KNN) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(Mean = mean(d_ResComp)) %>% 
  ggplot(., aes(x = Lead_Hazar, y = Mean, group=KNN, fill = as.factor(Lead_Hazar))) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity") +
  geom_text(inherit.aes = TRUE, aes(label=paste(round(Mean),"feet"), vjust=-.5)) +
  facet_wrap(~KNN) +
  labs(title="Nearest 311 Call about Residential Conditions Complaint", y="Mean Distance", fill="Lead Presence") +
  theme(panel.background = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.y = element_line(color="grey70"),
        axis.text.x =  element_blank(),
        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major.y = element_line(colour="grey70"))

foreclosurePoints <- foreclosureSites %>%   
  dplyr::select(geometry) %>%
  st_transform(26851) %>%
  mutate(type = "Foreclosure")

allPlaces2 <- rbind(foreclosurePoints, leadPoints)
allPlaces2 <- cbind(, data.frame(allPlaces2))
ForeclosurePointsXY <-
  allPlaces2 %>%
  filter(type == "Foreclosure") %>%
  dplyr::select(X,Y) %>%

Foreclosurenn1 <- get.knnx(ForeclosurePointsXY,leadPointsXY,k=1)              #[Evan - troubleshooting]
Foreclosurenn3 <- get.knnx(ForeclosurePointsXY,leadPointsXY,k=3)
Foreclosurenn5 <- get.knnx(ForeclosurePointsXY,leadPointsXY,k=5)

leadOneForeclosure <-$nn.dist) %>% 
  tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "Lead") %>% 
  tidyr::gather(Foreclosure, Foreclosure_Distance, V1) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(Lead)) %>% 
  group_by(Lead) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(d_ForeclosureOne = mean(Foreclosure_Distance)) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(Lead)) %>% 

leadThreeForeclosure <-$nn.dist) %>% 
  tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "Lead") %>% 
  tidyr::gather(Foreclosure, Foreclosure_Distance, V1:V3) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(Lead)) %>% 
  group_by(Lead) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(d_ForeclosureThree = mean(Foreclosure_Distance)) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(Lead)) %>% 

leadFiveForeclosure <-$nn.dist) %>% 
  tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "Lead") %>% 
  tidyr::gather(Foreclosure, Foreclosure_Distance, V1:V5) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(Lead)) %>% 
  group_by(Lead) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(d_ForeclosureFive = mean(Foreclosure_Distance)) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(Lead)) %>% 

minnea_foreclosureOne <-,d_Foreclosure = leadOneForeclosure$d_ForeclosureOne, KNN = "Nearest Foreclosure"))
minnea_foreclosureThree <-,d_Foreclosure = leadThreeForeclosure$d_ForeclosureThree, KNN = "Three Nearest Foreclosures"))
minnea_foreclosureFive <-,d_Foreclosure = leadFiveForeclosure$d_ForeclosureFive, KNN = "Five Nearest Foreclosures"))
minnea_foreclosure_distance <- rbind(minnea_foreclosureOne, minnea_foreclosureThree, minnea_foreclosureFive)

foreclosure_Distance_Facet <- minnea_foreclosure_distance %>% 
  group_by(Lead_Hazar, KNN) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(Mean = mean(d_Foreclosure)) %>% 
  ggplot(., aes(x = Lead_Hazar, y = Mean, group=KNN, fill = as.factor(Lead_Hazar))) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity") +
  geom_text(inherit.aes = TRUE, aes(label=paste(round(Mean),"feet"), vjust=-.5)) +
  facet_wrap(~KNN) +
  labs(title="Nearest Foreclosure", y="Mean Distance", fill="Lead Presence") +
  theme(panel.background = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.y = element_line(color="grey70"),
        axis.text.x =  element_blank(),
        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major.y = element_line(colour="grey70"))

#t.test(minnea_foreclosure_distance$d_ForeclosureOne ~ minnea_foreclosure_distance$Lead_Hazar)

leadPoints2 <- lead %>%
  dplyr::select(geometry) %>%
  st_transform(26851) %>%
  mutate(type = "Lead2")

allPlaces3 <- rbind(leadPoints2, leadPoints)
allPlaces3 <- cbind(, data.frame(allPlaces3))
LeadPoints2XY <-
  allPlaces3 %>%
  filter(type == "Lead2") %>%
  dplyr::select(X,Y) %>%

Leadnn1 <- get.knnx(LeadPoints2XY,leadPointsXY,k=2)
Leadnn3 <- get.knnx(LeadPoints2XY,leadPointsXY,k=4)
Leadnn5 <- get.knnx(LeadPoints2XY,leadPointsXY,k=6)

leadOneLead <-$nn.dist) %>% 
  tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "Lead") %>%
  mutate(new = ifelse(V1 < 1, V2, V1)) %>%
  dplyr::select(-V1, -V2) %>% 
  tidyr::gather(Lead2, Lead_Distance, new) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(Lead)) %>% 
  group_by(Lead) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(d_LeadOne = mean(Lead_Distance)) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(Lead)) %>% 

leadThreeLead <-$nn.dist) %>% 
  tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "Lead") %>% 
  mutate(new = ifelse(V1 < 1, V2, V1)) %>%
  dplyr::select(-V1, -V2) %>%
  tidyr::gather(Lead2, Lead_Distance, V3:new) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(Lead)) %>% 
  group_by(Lead) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(d_LeadThree = mean(Lead_Distance)) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(Lead)) %>% 

leadFiveLead <-$nn.dist) %>% 
  tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "Lead") %>%
  mutate(new = ifelse(V1 == 0, V2, V1)) %>%
  dplyr::select(-V1, -V2) %>%
  tidyr::gather(Lead2, Lead_Distance, V3:new) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(Lead)) %>% 
  group_by(Lead) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(d_LeadFive = mean(Lead_Distance)) %>% 
  dplyr::arrange(as.numeric(Lead)) %>% 

minnea_LeadOne <-, d_Lead = leadOneLead$d_LeadOne, KNN = "Nearest Lead Test Site"))
minnea_LeadThree <-, d_Lead = leadThreeLead$d_LeadThree, KNN = "Three Nearest Lead Test Sites"))
minnea_LeadFive <-, d_Lead = leadFiveLead$d_LeadFive, KNN="Five Nearest Lead Test Sites"))
minnea_Lead_distance <- rbind(minnea_LeadOne, minnea_LeadThree,minnea_LeadFive)

lead_Distance_Facet <- minnea_Lead_distance %>% 
  group_by(Lead_Hazar, KNN) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(Mean = median(d_Lead)) %>% 
  ggplot(., aes(x = Lead_Hazar, y = Mean, group=KNN, fill = as.factor(Lead_Hazar))) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity") +
  geom_text(inherit.aes = TRUE, aes(label=paste(round(Mean),"feet"), vjust=-.5)) +
  facet_wrap(~KNN) +
  labs(title="Nearest Test Site", y="Mean Distance", fill="Lead Presence") +
  theme(panel.background = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.y = element_line(color="grey70"),
        axis.text.x =  element_blank(),
        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major.y = element_line(colour="grey70"))

lead_Distance_Facet1 <- minnea_Lead_distance %>% 
  group_by(Lead_Hazar, KNN) %>%
  #dplyr::summarize(Mean = mean(d_Lead)) %>% 
  ggplot(., aes(x = Lead_Hazar, y = as.integer(d_Lead))) +
  geom_boxplot(aes(fill=as.factor(Lead_Hazar))) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = quantile(minnea_Lead_distance$d_Lead, c(0, 0.9))) +
  #geom_text(inherit.aes = TRUE, aes(label=paste(round(Mean),"feet"), vjust=-.5)) +
  facet_wrap(~KNN) +
  labs(title="Nearest Test Site", y="Distance", fill="Lead Presence") +

lead_Distance_Facet_violin <- minnea_Lead_distance %>% 
  group_by(Lead_Hazar, KNN) %>%
  ggplot(., aes(x = Lead_Hazar, y = as.integer(d_Lead))) +
  geom_boxplot(aes(fill = as.factor(Lead_Hazar)),position=position_dodge(width=0.9)) +
  scale_fill_manual(values=paletteLead, labels = c("Negative", "Positive")) +
  facet_wrap(~KNN) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = quantile(minnea_Lead_distance$d_Lead, c(0, 0.9))) +
  labs(title="Nearest Lead Presence", y="Distance (feet)", fill="Lead Presence", subtitle="Distance means visualized as points") +
  stat_summary(fun.y=mean, geom="point", size=5, colour="white") +

foreclosure_Distance_Facet_violin <- minnea_foreclosure_distance %>% 
  group_by(Lead_Hazar, KNN) %>%
  ggplot(., aes(x = Lead_Hazar, y = as.integer(d_Foreclosure))) +
  geom_boxplot(aes(fill = as.factor(Lead_Hazar))) +
  scale_fill_manual(values=paletteLead, labels = c("Negative", "Positive")) +
  facet_wrap(~KNN) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = quantile(minnea_foreclosure_distance$d_Foreclosure, c(0, 0.9))) +
  labs(title="Nearest Foreclosure", y="Distance (feet)", fill="Lead Presence", subtitle="Distance means visualized as points", caption= "One nearest foreclosure is the most significant different") +
  stat_summary(fun.y=mean, geom="point", size=5, colour="white") +

resComp_Distance_Facet_violin <- minnea_comp_distance %>% 
  group_by(Lead_Hazar, KNN) %>%
  ggplot(., aes(x = Lead_Hazar, y = as.integer(d_ResComp))) +
  geom_boxplot(aes(fill = as.factor(Lead_Hazar))) +
  scale_fill_manual(values=paletteLead, labels = c("Negative", "Positive")) +
  facet_wrap(~KNN) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = quantile(minnea_comp_distance$d_ResComp, c(0, 0.9))) +
  labs(title="Nearest 311 Complaint", y="Distance (feet)", fill="Lead Presence", subtitle="Residential Conditions Complaints only; Distance means visualized as points", caption="Distance to five nearest calls is the most significantly different") +
  stat_summary(fun.y=mean, geom="point", size=5, colour="white") +

vacancy_Distance_Facet_violin <- minnea_vacancy_distance %>% 
  group_by(Lead_Hazar, KNN) %>%
  ggplot(., aes(x = Lead_Hazar, y = as.integer(d_vacant))) +
  geom_boxplot(aes(fill = as.factor(Lead_Hazar))) +
  scale_fill_manual(values=paletteLead, labels = c("Negative", "Positive")) +
  facet_wrap(~KNN) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = quantile(minnea_vacancy_distance$d_vacant, c(0, 0.9))) +
  labs(title="Nearest Vacant Lot", y="Distance (feet)", fill="Lead Presence", subtitle="Distance means visualized as points") +
  stat_summary(fun.y=mean, geom="point", size=5, colour="white") +

# Run the horses ----------------------------------------------------------



8.3: Chi-Squared Tests

ZoningDataFrame <- parcels_all_lead %>%
  dplyr::select(PID, Lead_Hazar, Zoning) %>% 
  mutate(density = ifelse(Zoning == "R1"| Zoning == "R1A"| Zoning == "R2"| Zoning == "R2B", "Low", ifelse(Zoning == "R3" | Zoning == "R4", "Medium", ifelse(Zoning == "R5"| Zoning == "R6"| Zoning == "B4N"| Zoning == "B4-2"| Zoning == "B4S-1", "High", "Other")))) %>% 
  mutate(density = factor(density, levels=c("High", "Medium","Low","Other"))) %>% 
  group_by(density, Lead_Hazar) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(count = n()) %>%
  mutate(total=sum(count)) %>% 
  mutate(rate = as.integer(round((count/total)*100))) %>%

ZoningDataFrame2 <- parcels_all_lead %>%
  dplyr::select(PID, Lead_Hazar, Zoning) %>% 
  mutate(density = ifelse(Zoning == "R1"| Zoning == "R1A"| Zoning == "R2"| Zoning == "R2B", "Low", ifelse(Zoning == "R3" | Zoning == "R4", "Medium", ifelse(Zoning == "R5"| Zoning == "R6"| Zoning == "B4N"| Zoning == "B4-2"| Zoning == "B4S-1", "High", "Other")))) %>% 
  mutate(density = factor(density, levels=c("High", "Medium","Low","Other"))) %>% 
  dplyr::select(-Lead_Hazar, -Zoning, -geometry)

ZoningForChi <- ZoningDataFrame %>% 
  dplyr::select(-density, -total, -rate, -Lead_Hazar) %>%

HC <- chisq.test(ZoningForChi[,1:2])$p.value
MC <- chisq.test(ZoningForChi[,3:4])$p.value
LC <- chisq.test(ZoningForChi[,5:6])$p.value
OC <- chisq.test(ZoningForChi[,7:8])$p.value

ZoneFacet <- ZoningDataFrame %>%
  ggplot(., aes(x = Lead_Hazar, y = rate, group=density, fill = as.factor(Lead_Hazar))) + 
  geom_text(inherit.aes = TRUE, aes(label=paste(rate,"%"), vjust=1.5)) +
  scale_fill_manual(values=paletteLead, labels=c("Negative","Positive")) +
  labs(title = "Lead Presence by Zoning Density", x = "Lead", y = "Rate", fill="Lead Presence") +

HousingTypeDataFrame <- parcels_all_lead %>%
  dplyr::select(Lead_Hazar, PR_TYP_NM1.x) %>% 
  filter(Lead_Hazar != 2) %>% 
                           "RESIDENTIAL","RESIDENTIAL-TWO UNIT", "TRIPLEX")) %>%
  group_by(PR_TYP_NM1.x, Lead_Hazar) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(count = n()) %>%
  mutate(total=sum(count)) %>% 
  mutate(rate = as.integer(round((count/total)*100))) %>%

HousingForChi <- HousingTypeDataFrame %>% 
  dplyr::select(-PR_TYP_NM1.x, -total, -rate, -Lead_Hazar) %>%

ApartChi <- chisq.test(HousingForChi[,1:2])$p.value
CondoChi <- chisq.test(HousingForChi[,3:4])$p.value
LIRChi <- chisq.test(HousingForChi[,5:6])$p.value
ResidentialChi <- chisq.test(HousingForChi[,7:8])$p.value
ResidentialTUChi <- chisq.test(HousingForChi[,9:10])$p.value
TriplexChi <- chisq.test(HousingForChi[,11:12])$p.value

HouseFacet <- HousingTypeDataFrame %>%
  ggplot(., aes(x = Lead_Hazar, y = rate, group=PR_TYP_NM1.x, fill = as.factor(Lead_Hazar))) + 
  geom_text(inherit.aes = TRUE, aes(label=paste(rate,"%"), vjust=1.5)) +
  scale_fill_manual(values=paletteLead, labels=c("Negative","Positive"))+
  labs(title = "Lead Presence by Housing Type", x = "Lead", y = "Rate", fill="Lead Presence") +

 {r buildType, include=FALSE, echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE}
#Building Type Variable ------------------------------------------ #[3.7.18 - these two section are new. ~70 lines]

BuildingTypeDataFrame <- parcels_all_lead %>%
  dplyr::select(Lead_Hazar, BuildingUs) %>% 
  filter(Lead_Hazar !=2) %>% 
  filter(BuildingUs %in% c("2 Fam. Conv. Sgl. Dwlg.", "Apartment 4 or 5 Unit","Apartment 6+ Unit", 
                           "Apartment Converted","Double Bungalow", "Duplex", "Multi-Family & Rooms",
                           "Single Fam. Dwlg.", "Tri-plex")) %>%
  group_by(BuildingUs, Lead_Hazar) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(count = n()) %>%
  mutate(total=sum(count)) %>% 
  mutate(rate = as.integer(round((count/total)*100))) %>%

BldgForChi <- BuildingTypeDataFrame %>% 
  dplyr::select(-BuildingUs, -total, -rate, -Lead_Hazar) %>%

TwoFamChi <- chisq.test(BldgForChi[,1:2])$p.value   #statistically different
Apartment4Chi <- chisq.test(BldgForChi[,3:4])$p.value 
Apartment6Chi <- chisq.test(BldgForChi[,5:6])$p.value #statistically different
ApartmentConChi <- chisq.test(BldgForChi[,7:8])$p.value  #statistically different
BungalowChi <- chisq.test(BldgForChi[,9:10])$p.value  # kinda statistically different
DuplexChi <- chisq.test(BldgForChi[,11:12]) $p.value #statistically different
MFChi <- chisq.test(BldgForChi[,13:14])$p.value
SFChi <- chisq.test(BldgForChi[,15:16])$p.value     #statistically different
TriplexChi1 <- chisq.test(BldgForChi[,17:18])$p.value  # kinda statistically different

BldgFacet <- BuildingTypeDataFrame %>%
  ggplot(., aes(x = Lead_Hazar, y = rate, group=BuildingUs, fill = as.factor(Lead_Hazar))) + 
  geom_text(inherit.aes = TRUE, aes(label=paste(rate,"%"), vjust=1.5)) +
  scale_fill_manual(values=paletteLead, labels=c("Negative","Positive"))+
  labs(title = "Lead Presence by Building Type", x = "Lead", y = "Rate", fill="Lead Presence") +

# create dummy variable for Apartment Converted

#Exterior Type Variable

ExteriorTypeDataFrame <- parcels_all_lead %>%
  filter(Lead_Hazar != 2) %>% 
  dplyr::select(Lead_Hazar, ExteriorTy) %>% 
  filter(ExteriorTy %in% c("Brick", "Concrete Fiber","Cement Board", 
                           "Metal/Vinyl","Other", "Stucco", "Wood")) %>%
  group_by(ExteriorTy, Lead_Hazar) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(count = n()) %>%
  mutate(total=sum(count)) %>% 
  mutate(rate = as.integer(round((count/total)*100))) %>%

ExteriorForChi <- ExteriorTypeDataFrame %>% 
  dplyr::select(-ExteriorTy, -total, -rate, -Lead_Hazar) %>%

BrickChi <- chisq.test(ExteriorForChi[,1:2])$p.value  #multiple are statistically different
VinylChi <- chisq.test(ExteriorForChi[,3:4])$p.value
OtherChi <- chisq.test(ExteriorForChi[,5:6])$p.value
StuccoChi <- chisq.test(ExteriorForChi[,7:8])$p.value
WoodChi <- chisq.test(ExteriorForChi[,9:10])$p.value

ExteriorFacet <- ExteriorTypeDataFrame %>% 
  ggplot(., aes(x = Lead_Hazar, y = rate, group=ExteriorTy, fill = as.factor(Lead_Hazar))) + 
  geom_text(inherit.aes = TRUE, aes(label=paste(rate,"%"), vjust=-.5)) +
  scale_fill_manual(values=paletteLead, labels=c("Negative","Positive"))+
  labs(title = "Lead Presence by Building Type", x = "Lead", y = "Rate", fill="Lead Presence") +

parcelvars <- c("High Density Zoning", "Medium Density Zoning", "Low Density Zoning", "Other Zoning",
                "Apartment", "Condo", "Low Income Rental", "Residential", "Residential Two-Unit", "Triplex",
                "Two Family", "Apartment, 4 or 5 Unit", "Apartment, 6+ Unit", "Converted Apartment", "Double Bungalow", "Duplex", "Multi-family", "Single Family", "Tri-plex",
                "Brick", "Vinyl", "Stucco", "Wood", "Other")
chitest <- c(HC, MC, LC, OC, 
             ApartChi, CondoChi, LIRChi, ResidentialChi, ResidentialTUChi, TriplexChi,
             TwoFamChi, Apartment4Chi, Apartment6Chi, ApartmentConChi, BungalowChi, DuplexChi, MFChi, SFChi, TriplexChi1,
             BrickChi, VinylChi, StuccoChi, WoodChi, OtherChi)
signif <- c("No", "Yes", "Yes","Yes","No","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes","No","Yes","Yes","No","Yes","Yes","Yes","Yes")
parceltable <- cbind(Variable = parcelvars, P.Value = chitest, Type = "Parcel-Level Variables", Significance = signif)
write.csv(parceltable, "C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/SpreadsheetData/parceltable.csv")

8.4: Census and Block Group Data

census_api_key("eebf4014242fce6be1c40439ea82cb6a2b28f921", install=TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)

#census_api_key("7ec628d12f68cb9fce1d74c77ababf2078dbc766", overwrite = FALSE, install = TRUE)

#Searching for variables
#v16 <- load_variables(2016, "acs5", cache = TRUE)
#write.csv(v16, file = "2016variables.csv")
#v15 <- load_variables(2015, "acs5", cache = TRUE)
#write.csv(v15, file = "2015variables.csv")
#v14 <- load_variables(2014, "acs5", cache = TRUE)
#write.csv(v14, file = "2014variables.csv")
#v13 <- load_variables(2013, "acs5", cache = TRUE)
#write.csv(v13, file = "2013variables.csv")
#v12 <- load_variables(2012, "acs5", cache = TRUE)
#write.csv(v12, file = "2012variables.csv")

# 2016 Block level data
Block16 <- 
  get_acs(geography = "block group", variables = c("B01001_001E","B01001_003E","B01001_004E","B01001_027E",
          endyear = 2016, state=27, county=053, geometry=T) %>%
  dplyr::select(variable,estimate,GEOID) %>% %>%
  tidyr::spread(variable,estimate) %>%
         TENURE =B25003_001,
         VACANCYSTATUS =B25004_001,
         MORTGAGESTATUS =B25081_001) %>%
  st_sf() %>%

write.csv(Block16, file = "Block16.csv")

#Plot the block group data for Hennepin county
#ggplot() +
#geom_sf(data=Block16, aes(fill=MORTGAGESTATUS))


#first import the shapefile of blockgroups in R
blockgroupshp <- read_sf("C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/Shapefiles/BlockGroups_2016_clip_proj.shp")

#Dissolve the blockgroup shapefile into a mask for clipping out the ACS data
dissolveMinn <- 
  #  #start with block group  
  blockgroupshp %>%
  #  #dissolve
  st_union() %>%
  #  #convert to simple features 
  st_sf() %>%
  #  #project  

#select block groups in Block16 that are inside the minneapolis mask

#is the projection the same for these two?
st_crs(dissolveMinn) == st_crs(Block16)
#tranforms the dissolved by the projection block16
dissolveMinn <- st_transform(dissolveMinn, 3857)

#select by location
MinACS16 <- Block16[dissolveMinn,]

#change the ACS features into a dataframe
forjoin <- st_as_sf(MinACS16) %>% st_transform(3857)
Min16 <- st_join(blockgroupshp %>% st_transform(3857), forjoin)

# Plot the Minneapolis shapefile with ACS data
ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data=Min16, aes(fill=TotalMaleUnder5))


Parcels <- st_as_sf(finalTested)

###################################(variables defined by Maureen)
Min16 <- dplyr::select(Min16, GEOID.x, TotalMaleUnder5, TotalFemaleUnder5,TotalMale5to9,TotalFemale5to9, TotalPopulation,BACHELORMAJOR25Older, POVERTYSTATUSPAST12MONTHFAMILIES, 
                       VACANCYSTATUS, MORTGAGESTATUS)%>%
  mutate(ChildUnder5 = TotalMaleUnder5 + TotalFemaleUnder5,
         Child5to9 = TotalMale5to9 + TotalFemale5to9)

Min16 <- rename(Min16, Educ16 = BACHELORMAJOR25Older, Poverty16 = POVERTYSTATUSPAST12MONTHFAMILIES, 
                MedianInc16 = MEDIANHOUSEHOLDINC12MONTHS, 
                Earnings16 = EARNINGS12MONTHSFORHOUSEHOLDS,
                Tenure16 = TENURE, Vacancy16 = VACANCYSTATUS, 
                Mortgage16 = MORTGAGESTATUS)

################################join with children blood lead data###########################################
######The children's blood lead level
ChildBLLead<-read.csv("C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/SpreadsheetData/ChildhoodLeadTract_clean.csv")
ChildBLLead_df <-

#Get tract level ACS data
Tract16 <- 
  get_acs(geography = "tract", variables = c("B01001_001E","B01001_003E","B01001_004E","B01001_027E",
          endyear = 2016, state=27, county=053, geometry=T) %>%
  dplyr::select(variable,estimate,GEOID) %>% %>%
  tidyr::spread(variable,estimate) %>%
         TotalOwnchild=B09018_002) %>%
  st_sf() %>%

write.csv(Tract16, file="Tract16.csv")

Tract16$GEOID <- as.character(Tract16$GEOID) 
ChildBLLead_df$TRACT_ID <- as.character(ChildBLLead$TRACT_ID)

#Join the children blood lead level with 
Tract16withLD <- left_join(Tract16, ChildBLLead_df, by=c("GEOID" = "TRACT_ID"))
Tract16withLD <- st_as_sf(Tract16withLD)

parcels_all_lead1 <- st_as_sf(parcels_all_lead)

Parcels1 <- parcels_all_lead1 %>% st_transform(3857)

Parcels_w_blocks <- 
  aggregate(Min16, Parcels1, mean) %>%
  bind_cols(Parcels1) %>%
  dplyr::select(PID,BUILD_YR.y,Lead_Hazar, ChildUnder5,Child5to9,Educ16, Poverty16, MedianInc16,Earnings16,Tenure16,Vacancy16, Mortgage16)

Parcels_w_blocks <- st_transform(Parcels_w_blocks,3857) 

st_crs(Tract16withLD) == st_crs(Parcels_w_blocks)

#  st_transform(3857)

Parcels_w_blocks_Childlead <- 
  aggregate(Tract16withLD, Parcels_w_blocks,mean) %>%

#plot the points for lead inspections(Evan option)
#ggplot() +
#geom_sf(data = Min16, aes(fill = TotalMaleUnder5)) + 
#aes(color= as.factor(Lead_Hazar)),size=0.5) +
#labs(title= "Is Lead Window Presence related with presence of Children?",
#subtitle= "Lead Windows Inspection Results and children presence in Minneapolis") +
#scale_color_manual(values = c("red","green"),
#labels=c("0", "1"))

#########Exploratory question: ACS and lead windows###################################################
################################everything below here are maps########################################

######try with plotting Education rates in quintile breaks
Min16 <- Min16 %>% 
  mutate(EducRate = (Educ16/TotalPopulation))

breakvalues <- quantile((Min16$EducRate),
                        c(0,.2,.4,.6,.8, 1),na.rm=T)

Min16$Educbuckets <- 
  factor(cut(Min16$EducRate, c(breakvalues)),labels = c("labels"))

EdRate <- ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data = Min16, aes(fill = Min16$Educbuckets), color = 'white') +
  scale_fill_manual(values = paletteChoropleth,
                    labels = c("0.00% - 14.28%", "14.28% - 27.41%", "27.41% - 40.27%", "40.27% - 51.34%", "51.34% - 78.63%"),
                    name="Percent of residents with bachelor degree\n (Quintile Breaks)") +
  geom_point(data=lead, x=(st_coordinates(lead)[,1]), y=(st_coordinates(lead)[,2]),
             aes(color= as.factor(Lead_Hazar)),size=0.8) +
  labs(title= "Is Lead Window Presence related with \nResidents' education level?",
       subtitle= "Lead Windows Inspection Results and number of residents with bachelor degree") +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("#FA6900"),
                     name = "Lead Window Inspection Results") + 
  theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "white")) +

######try with plotting percentage of Children under 5 in quintile breaks
Min16 <- Min16 %>% 
  mutate(Childunder5Rate = (Child5to9/TotalPopulation))

breakvalues <- quantile((Min16$Childunder5Rate),
                        c(0,.2,.4,.6,.8, 1),na.rm=T)

Min16$Childunder5buckets <- 
  factor(cut(Min16$Childunder5Rate, c(breakvalues)),labels = c("labels"))

YoungKid <- ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data = Min16, aes(fill = Min16$Childunder5buckets), color = 'white') +
  scale_fill_manual(values = paletteChoropleth,
                    labels = c("0.00% - 1.71%", "1.71% - 4.16%", "4.16% - 6.34%", "6.34% - 9.58%", "9.58% - 20.68%"),
                    name="Percent of children under 5\n (Quintile Breaks)") +
  geom_point(data=lead, x=(st_coordinates(lead)[,1]), y=(st_coordinates(lead)[,2]),
             aes(color= as.factor(Lead_Hazar)),size=0.8) +
  labs(title= "Is Lead Window Presence related with \npresence of children?",
       subtitle= "Lead Windows Inspection Results and percents of children under 5") +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("#FA6900"),
                     name = "Lead Window Inspection Results") + 
  theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "white")) +

######try with plotting percentage of people in poverty in quintile breaks
Min16 <- Min16 %>% 
  mutate(Poverty16Rate = (Poverty16/TotalPopulation))

breakvalues <- quantile((Min16$Poverty16Rate),
                        c(0,.2,.4,.6,.8, 1),na.rm=T)

Min16$PovertyRatebuckets <- 
  factor(cut(Min16$Poverty16Rate, c(breakvalues)),labels = c("labels"))

Poverty <- ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data = Min16, aes(fill = Min16$PovertyRatebuckets), color = 'white') +
  scale_fill_manual(values = paletteChoropleth,
                    labels = c("0.00% - 15.42%", "15.42% - 18.86%", "18.86% - 22.76%", "22.76% - 25.88%", "25.88% - 35.83%"),
                    name="Percent of people in poverty\n (Quintile Breaks)") +
  geom_point(data=lead, x=(st_coordinates(lead)[,1]), y=(st_coordinates(lead)[,2]),
             aes(color= as.factor(Lead_Hazar)),size=0.8) +
  labs(title= "Is Lead Window Presence related with \npoverty rate?",
       subtitle= "Lead Windows Inspection Results and percent of people in poverty") +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("#FA6900"),
                     name = "Lead Window Inspection Results") + 
  theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "white")) +

######try with plotting median household income in quintile breaks
breakvalues <- quantile((Min16$MedianInc16),
                        c(0,.2,.4,.6,.8, 1),na.rm=T)

Min16$MedianInc16buckets <- 
  factor(cut(Min16$MedianInc16, c(breakvalues)),labels = c("labels"))

MedInc <- ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data = Min16, aes(fill = Min16$MedianInc16buckets), color = 'white') +
  scale_fill_manual(values = paletteChoropleth,
                    labels = c("9907.0 - 36096.4", "36096.4 - 51200.2", "51200.2 - 67618.2", "67618.2 - 91467.8", "91467.8 - 196569.0"),
                    name="Median Household Income\n (Quintile Breaks)") +
  geom_point(data=lead, x=(st_coordinates(lead)[,1]), y=(st_coordinates(lead)[,2]),
             aes(color= as.factor(Lead_Hazar)),size=0.8) +
  labs(title= "Is Lead Window Presence related with \nMedian Household Income?",
       subtitle= "Lead Windows Inspection Results and Median Household Income") +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("#FA6900"),
                     name = "Lead Window Inspection Results") + 
  theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "white")) +

######try with plotting median earnings in quintile breaks
breakvalues <- quantile((Min16$Earnings16),
                        c(0,.6,.7,.8,.9, 1),na.rm=T)

Min16$Earnings16buckets <- 
  factor(cut(Min16$Earnings16, c(breakvalues)),labels = c("labels"))

MedEarn <- ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data = Min16, aes(fill = Min16$Earnings16buckets), color = 'white') +
  scale_fill_manual(values = paletteChoropleth,
                    labels = c("77.0 - 433.6", "433.6 - 477.6", "477.6 - 558.6", "558.6 - 736.4", "736.4 - 1980.0"),
                    name="Median Earnings\n (Quintile Breaks)") +
  geom_point(data=lead, x=(st_coordinates(lead)[,1]), y=(st_coordinates(lead)[,2]),
             aes(color= as.factor(Lead_Hazar)),size=0.8) +
  labs(title= "Is Lead Window Presence related with \nMedian Earnings?",
       subtitle= "Lead Windows Inspection Results and Median Earnings in the past 12 month") +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("#FA6900"),
                     name = "Lead Window Inspection Results") + 
  theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "white")) +


######try with plotting Tenure in quintile breaks
breakvalues <- quantile((Min16$Tenure16),
                        c(0,.6,.7,.8,.9, 1),na.rm=T)

Min16$Tenure16buckets <- 
  factor(cut(Min16$Tenure16, c(breakvalues)),labels = c("labels"))

Parcels <- st_transform(Parcels, 26851)

pal_blue5 = c("#154f4a", "#376b66", "#588782", "#7ea8a2", 

Tenure <- ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data = Min16, aes(fill = Min16$Tenure16buckets), color = 'white') +
  scale_fill_manual(values = pal_blue5,
                    labels = c("77.0 - 433.6", "433.6 - 477.6", "477.6 - 558.6", "558.6 - 736.4", "736.4 - 1980.0"),
                    name="Tenure\n (Quintile Breaks)") +
  geom_point(data=Parcels, y=(st_coordinates(Parcels)[,1]), x=(st_coordinates(Parcels)[,2]),
             aes(color= as.factor(Parcels$Lead_Hazar)),size=5) +
  labs(title= "Is Lead Window Presence related with \nTenure?",
       subtitle= "Lead Windows Inspection Results and Tenure") +
  scale_color_manual(values = paletteLead,
                     name = "Lead Window Inspection Results") + 
  theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "white")) +

######try with plotting median household income in quintile breaks
breakvalues <- quantile((Min16$Vacancy16),
                        c(0,.4,.8,.9,.95, 1),na.rm=T)

Min16$Vacancy16buckets <- 
  factor(cut(Min16$Vacancy16, c(breakvalues)),labels = c("labels"))

VacMap <- ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data = Min16, aes(fill = Min16$Vacancy16buckets), color = 'white') +
  scale_fill_manual(values = paletteChoropleth,
                    labels = c("0.0 - 12.2", "12.2 - 48.0", "48.0 - 76.0", "76.0 - 103.6", "103.6 - 246.0"),
                    name="Vacancy Status\n (Quintile Breaks)") +
  geom_point(data=lead, x=(st_coordinates(lead)[,1]), y=(st_coordinates(lead)[,2]),
             aes(color= as.factor(Lead_Hazar)),size=0.8) +
  labs(title= "Is Lead Window Presence related with \nVacancy status?",
       subtitle= "Lead Windows Inspection Results and Vacancy status") +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("#FA6900"),
                     name = "Lead Window Inspection Results") + 
  theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "white")) +

######try with plotting median household income in quintile breaks
breakvalues <- quantile((Min16$Mortgage16),
                        c(0,.2,.4,.6,.8, 1),na.rm=T)

Min16$Mortgage16buckets <- 
  factor(cut(Min16$Mortgage16, c(breakvalues)),labels = c("labels"))

MortMap <- ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data = Min16, aes(fill = Min16$Mortgage16buckets), color = 'white') +
  scale_fill_manual(values = paletteChoropleth,
                    labels = c("0.0 - 102.0", "102.0 - 175.8", "175.8 - 247.0", "247.0 - 328.4", "328.4 - 832.0"),
                    name="Mortgage Status\n (Quintile Breaks)") +
  geom_point(data=lead, x=(st_coordinates(lead)[,1]), y=(st_coordinates(lead)[,2]),
             aes(color= as.factor(Lead_Hazar)),size=0.8) +
  labs(title= "Is Lead Window Presence related with \nMortgage status?",
       subtitle= "Lead Windows Inspection Results and Mortgage status") +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("#FA6900"),
                     name = "Lead Window Inspection Results") + 
  theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "white")) +
blocks <- Min16 %>% st_transform(26851)
st_write(blocks, "C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/Shapefiles/blocks.shp")

{r barCharts, include=FALSE, echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE}

################################everything below here are bar charts #################################

#spatial join parcel data with current census data from Maureen
Parcels_w_blocks <- 
  aggregate(Min16, Parcels, mean) %>%
  bind_cols(Parcels) %>%
  dplyr::select(testedParcels_PID,BUILD_YR,Lead_Hazar, ChildUnder5,Child5to9,Educ16, Poverty16, MedianInc16, Earnings16, 
                Tenure16,Vacancy16, Mortgage16)

ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data=Parcels_w_blocks, aes(fill=Lead_Hazar))

##display lead inspection result with base map
baseMap + geom_sf(data=Parcels_w_blocks, aes(color=as.factor(Lead_Hazar))) + 
  scale_colour_manual(values = c("red", "blue"))

#Lead and Children under 5
BarChildUnder5 <- Parcels_w_blocks %>%
  group_by(Lead_Hazar) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(ChildUnder5Mean = mean(ChildUnder5)) %>% 
  ggplot(., aes(x = Lead_Hazar, y = ChildUnder5Mean, fill = as.factor(Lead_Hazar))) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", width = .8, position = position_dodge(width = .01))+
  geom_text(aes(label=paste(round(ChildUnder5Mean , digits = 2)), vjust = -.25))+
  scale_fill_manual (values = paletteLead)+ 
  plotTheme() +  
  labs(x= "Presence of Lead", y= "Number of children under 5", 
       fill = "Presence of Lead", title = "Is Lead Window Presence correlated with children presence?",
       subtitle= "Lead Windows Inspection Results and children under 5",
       subtitle= "P value")+
  labs(caption= "T-Test p-value > 0.5")

#round(t.test(Parcels_w_blocks$ChildUnder5 ~ as.factor(Parcels_w_blocks$Lead_Hazar))$p.value, digits = 4)

#Lead and Children 5 to 9
BarChildren5to9 <- Parcels_w_blocks %>%
  filter(Lead_Hazar != "2") %>% 
  group_by(Lead_Hazar) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(Child5to9Mean = mean(Child5to9)) %>% 
  ggplot(., aes(x = Lead_Hazar, y = Child5to9Mean, fill = as.factor(Lead_Hazar))) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", width = .8, position = position_dodge(width = .01))+
  geom_text(aes(label=paste(round(Child5to9Mean , digits = 2)), vjust = -.25))+
  scale_fill_manual (values = paletteLead,
                     labels= )+ 
  labs(x= "Presence of Lead", y= "Number of children 5 to 9", 
       fill = "Presence of Lead", title = "Is Lead Window Presence correlated with children presence?",
       subtitle= "Lead Windows Inspection Results and children 5 to 9")+
  labs(caption= "T-Test p-value < 0.5")

#round(t.test(Parcels_w_blocks$Child5to9 ~ as.factor(Parcels_w_blocks$Lead_Hazar))$p.value, digits = 4)

#Lead and education(number of people with Bachelor degree)
palette2 <- c("#542e71", "#84a9c0")
BarEducation <- Parcels_w_blocks %>% ###################################### this one - high rental gain associated with lead
  group_by(Lead_Hazar) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(EducationMean = mean(Educ16)) %>% 
  ggplot(., aes(x = Lead_Hazar, y = EducationMean, fill = as.factor(Lead_Hazar))) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", width = .8, position = position_dodge(width = .01))+
  geom_text(aes(label=paste(round(EducationMean , digits = 2)), vjust = -.25))+
  scale_fill_manual (values = paletteLead)+ 
  labs(x= "Presence of Lead", y= "Number of people with Bachlor Degree", 
       fill = "Presence of Lead", title = "Is Lead Window Presence correlated with Education Level?",
       subtitle= "Lead Windows Inspection Results and Residents with Bachelor Degree")+
  labs(caption= "T-Test p-value < 0.5")

#round(t.test(Parcels_w_blocks$Educ16 ~ as.factor(Parcels_w_blocks$Lead_Hazar))$p.value, digits = 4)

#Lead and poverty(number of people in poverty)
BarPoverty <- Parcels_w_blocks %>% 
  group_by(Lead_Hazar) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(povertyMean = mean(Poverty16)) %>% 
  ggplot(., aes(x = Lead_Hazar, y = povertyMean, fill = as.factor(Lead_Hazar))) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", width = .8, position = position_dodge(width = .01))+
  geom_text(aes(label=paste(round(povertyMean , digits = 2)), vjust = -.25))+
  scale_fill_manual (values = paletteLead)+ 
  labs(x= "Presence of Lead", y= "Number of people in Poverty", 
       fill = "Presence of Lead", title = "Is Lead Window Presence correlated with Poverty Rate?",
       subtitle= "Lead Windows Inspection Results and Residents in Poverty")+
  labs(caption= "T-Test p-value > 0.5")

#Lead and Income(Median Household Income level)
BarMedianHHInc <- Parcels_w_blocks %>% 
  group_by(Lead_Hazar) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(MedianIncMean = mean(MedianInc16)) %>% 
  ggplot(., aes(x = Lead_Hazar, y = MedianIncMean, fill = as.factor(Lead_Hazar))) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", width = .8, position = position_dodge(width = .01))+
  geom_text(aes(label=paste(round(MedianIncMean , digits = 2)), vjust = -.25))+
  scale_fill_manual (values = paletteLead)+ 
  labs(x= "Presence of Lead", y= "Median House income", 
       fill = "Presence of Lead", title = "Is Lead Window Presence correlated with Income?",
       subtitle= "Lead Windows Inspection Results and Median Household Income in the past 12 months")+
  labs(caption= "T-Test p-value < 0.5")

#Lead and earning(Earning in the past 12 month in household)
BarEarnings <- Parcels_w_blocks %>%
  group_by(Lead_Hazar) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(EarningsMean = mean(Earnings16)) %>% 
  ggplot(., aes(x = Lead_Hazar, y = EarningsMean, fill = as.factor(Lead_Hazar))) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", width = .8, position = position_dodge(width = .01))+
  geom_text(aes(label=paste(round(EarningsMean , digits = 2)), vjust = -.25))+
  scale_fill_manual (values = paletteLead)+ 
  labs(x= "Presence of Lead", y= "Earnings", 
       fill = "Presence of Lead", title = "Is Lead Window Presence correlated \nwith Earning?",
       subtitle= "Lead Windows Inspection Results and Earnings in the past 12 months for households")+
  labs(caption= "T-Test p-value < 0.01")

#t.test(Parcels_w_blocks$Earnings16 ~ as.factor(Parcels_w_blocks$Lead_Hazar))

#Lead and Tenure16
BarTenure <- Parcels_w_blocks %>%
  group_by(Lead_Hazar) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(TenureMean = mean(Tenure16)) %>% 
  ggplot(., aes(x = Lead_Hazar, y = TenureMean, fill = as.factor(Lead_Hazar))) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", width = .8, position = position_dodge(width = .01))+
  geom_text(aes(label=paste(round(TenureMean , digits = 2)), vjust = -.25))+
  scale_fill_manual (values = paletteLead)+ 
  labs(x= "Presence of Lead", y= "Tenures", 
       fill = "Presence of Lead", title = "Is Lead Window Presence correlated \nwith Tenure?",
       subtitle= "Lead Windows Inspection Results and tenure")+
  labs(caption= "T-Test p-value < 0.01")

#Lead and Vacancy
BarVacancy <- Parcels_w_blocks %>%
  group_by(Lead_Hazar) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(VacancyMean = mean(Vacancy16)) %>% 
  ggplot(., aes(x = Lead_Hazar, y = VacancyMean, fill = as.factor(Lead_Hazar))) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", width = .8, position = position_dodge(width = .01))+
  geom_text(aes(label=paste(round(VacancyMean , digits = 2)), vjust = -.25))+
  scale_fill_manual (values = paletteLead)+ 
  labs(x= "Presence of Lead", y= "Vacancy", 
       fill = "Presence of Lead", title = "Is Lead Window Presence correlated \nwith vacancy?",
       subtitle= "Lead Windows Inspection Results and vacancy status")+
  labs(caption= "T-Test p-value < 0.05")

#Lead and Mortgage16
BarMortgage <- Parcels_w_blocks %>%
  group_by(Lead_Hazar) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(MortgageMean = mean(Mortgage16)) %>% 
  ggplot(., aes(x = Lead_Hazar, y = MortgageMean, fill = as.factor(Lead_Hazar))) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", width = .8, position = position_dodge(width = .01))+
  geom_text(aes(label=paste(round(MortgageMean , digits = 2)), vjust = -.25))+
  scale_fill_manual (values = paletteLead)+ 
  labs(x= "Presence of Lead", y= "Vacancy", 
       fill = "Presence of Lead", title = "Is Lead Window Presence correlated with mortgage?",
       subtitle= "Lead Windows Inspection Results and mortgage status",
       subtitle= "P value")+
  labs(caption= "T-Test p-value > 0.5")
##Maureen Question Two-------------------
Parcels$BUILD_YR <-as.numeric(as.character(as.factor(Parcels$BUILD_YR)))
Parcels <- filter(Parcels, BUILD_YR>0) 

densityBuildYear <- ggplot(Parcels, aes(BUILD_YR, fill = as.factor(Parcels$Lead_Hazar), color = as.factor(Parcels$Lead_Hazar))) +
  geom_density(alpha = 0.25) + scale_fill_manual (values = paletteLead, labels=c("Negative","Positive")) + 
  scale_color_manual (values = paletteLead, labels=c("Negative","Positive")) + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = 1978)+
  geom_text(aes(x=1978, label="1978: Lead-based Products Banned", y=.0225), vjust=-1, angle = 90, color="blue") +
  plotTheme() +
  labs(title= "Build Year Distribution by Lead Presence", y="", fill="Lead Presence") +
  guides(color=FALSE) +
        panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.x = element_line(color="grey70"),
        axis.text.x = element_text(size=8))


densitySalePrice <- ggplot(Parcels, aes(SALE_PRICE, fill = as.factor(Parcels$Lead_Hazar), color = as.factor(Parcels$Lead_Hazar))) +
  geom_density(alpha = 0.25) + scale_fill_manual (values = paletteLead, labels=c("Negative","Positive")) + 
  scale_color_manual (values = paletteLead, labels=c("Negative","Positive")) + 
  #geom_vline(xintercept = 1978)+
  #geom_text(aes(x=1978, label="1978: Lead-based Products Banned", y=.0225), vjust=-1, angle = 90, color="blue") +
  plotTheme() +
  labs(title= "Sale Price Distribution by Lead Presence", y="", fill="Lead Presence") +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = quantile(Parcels$SALE_PRICE, c(.0,.95))) +
  guides(color=FALSE) +
        panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.x = element_line(color="grey70"),
        axis.text.x = element_text(size=8))

#SP_TT <-t.test(Parcels$SALE_PRICE~as.factor(Parcels$Lead_Hazar))

#Putting SaleCount later after join happens

OwnerRenter <- Parcels %>%
  group_by(Lead_Hazar) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(MeanOwnPCT = mean(OWNER_PCT1)) %>% 
  ggplot(., aes(x = Lead_Hazar, y = MeanOwnPCT,fill = as.factor(Parcels$Lead_Hazar))) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", width = .8, position = position_dodge(width = .01)) +
  geom_text(inherit.aes = TRUE, aes(label=paste(round(MeanOwnPCT,digits = 2), "%"), vjust=-.5)) +
  #scale_y_continuous(labels = dollar)+
  scale_fill_manual (values = paletteLead, labels=c("Negative", "Positive"))+
  labs(x= "Presence of Lead", y= "Mean Ownership Percent", 
       fill = "Presence of Lead", title = "Mean Ownership Percent by Presence of Lead",
       caption = "T-Test p-value > 0.5")  +

#OR_TT <- t.test(Parcels$OWNER_PCT1~as.factor(Parcels$Lead_Hazar)) 

{r Historical, include=FALSE, echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE}
##Historical Parcels -------

Std_70 <- read.csv("C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/SpreadsheetData/Standardized_1970.csv")
Std_70 <- filter(Std_70, state == "MN", county == "Hennepin County")
Std_70_select <- dplyr::select(Std_70,TRTID10,tract,POP70,HU70,VAC70,OWN70,RENT70)
tractshp$GEOID <- as.numeric(tractshp$GEOID)
Min70 <- left_join(tractshp, Std_70_select, by=c("GEOID" = "TRTID10"))

Std_80 <- read.csv("C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/SpreadsheetData/Standardized_1980.csv")
Std_80 <- filter(Std_80, state == "MN", county == "Hennepin County")
Std_80_select <- dplyr::select(Std_80,TRTID10,tract,POP80,HU80,VAC80,MHMVAL80,MRENT80,OWN80,RENT80)
Min80 <- left_join(tractshp, Std_80_select, by=c("GEOID" = "TRTID10"))

Std_90 <- read.csv("C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/SpreadsheetData/Standardized_1990.csv")
Std_90 <- filter(Std_90, state == "MN", county == "Hennepin County")
Std_90_select <- dplyr::select(Std_90,TRTID10,tract,POP90,HU90,VAC90,MHMVAL90,MRENT90, OWN90,RENT90)
Min90 <- left_join(tractshp, Std_90_select, by=c("GEOID" = "TRTID10"))

Std_00 <- read.csv("C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/SpreadsheetData/Standardized_2000.csv")
Std_00 <- filter(Std_00, state == "MN", county == "Hennepin County")
Std_00_select <- dplyr::select(Std_00,TRTID10,tract,POP00,HU00,VAC00,FAMILY00,FHH00, OWN00,RENT00)
Min00 <- left_join(tractshp, Std_00_select, by=c("GEOID" = "TRTID10"))

Std_10 <- read.csv("C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/SpreadsheetData/Standardized_2010.csv")
Std_10 <- filter(Std_10, state == "MN", county == "Hennepin County")
Std_10_select <- dplyr::select(Std_10,tractid,tract,pop10,hu10,vac10,family10,fhh10, own10,rent10)
Min10 <- left_join(tractshp, Std_10_select, by=c("GEOID" = "tractid"))
v2010 <- get_acs(geography = "tract", variables = "B06011_001", state = "MN", county = "Hennepin", year = 2012)

v2010 <- dplyr::select(v2010, GEOID, estimate)
v2010$GEOID <- as.numeric(v2010$GEOID)
Min10 <- left_join(Min10, v2010, by=c("GEOID" = "GEOID"))
Std_10_select <- left_join(Std_10_select, v2010, by=c("tractid" = "GEOID"))
Std_10_select <- rename(Std_10_select, MEDINC = estimate)

### Join all variables together into one dataset. separate column for each variable in each yr.
TractInfo <- left_join(Std_70_select, Std_80_select, by=c("TRTID10" = "TRTID10"))
TractInfo <- left_join(TractInfo, Std_90_select, by=c("TRTID10" = "TRTID10"))
TractInfo <- left_join(TractInfo, Std_00_select, by=c("TRTID10" = "TRTID10"))
TractInfo <- left_join(TractInfo, Std_10_select, by=c("TRTID10" = "tractid"))
Tract16$GEOID <- as.numeric(Tract16$GEOID)
TractInfo <- left_join(TractInfo, Tract16, by=c("TRTID10" = "GEOID"))


#Median Value Change Variables
TractInfo <- mutate(TractInfo, Value80_90 = (MHMVAL80/POP80) - (MHMVAL90/POP90))
#TractInfo <- mutate(TractInfo, Value90_00 = (MHMVAL90/POP90) - (FAMILY00/POP00))
#TractInfo <- mutate(TractInfo, Value00_10 = (FAMILY00/POP00) - (family10/pop10))
#TractInfo <- mutate(TractInfo, Value90_16 = (MHMVAL90/POP90) - (MedVal16/Pop16))
#vacancy change variables
TractInfo <- mutate(TractInfo, Vacancy80_90 = (VAC80/(VAC80+OWN80+RENT80) - (VAC90/(VAC90+OWN90+RENT90))))
TractInfo <- mutate(TractInfo, Vacancy90_00 = (VAC90/(VAC90+OWN90+RENT90) - (VAC00/(VAC00+OWN00+RENT00))))
TractInfo <- mutate(TractInfo, Vacancy00_10 = (VAC00/(VAC00+OWN00+RENT00) - (vac10/(vac10+own10+rent10))))
#vacancy change variables
TractInfo <- mutate(TractInfo, Rent80_90 = (RENT80/(VAC80+OWN80+RENT80) - (RENT90/(VAC90+OWN90+RENT90))))
TractInfo <- mutate(TractInfo, Rent90_00 = (RENT90/(VAC90+OWN90+RENT90) - (RENT00/(VAC00+OWN00+RENT00))))
TractInfo <- mutate(TractInfo, Rent00_10 = (RENT00/(VAC00+OWN00+RENT00) - (rent10/(vac10+own10+rent10))))

#table(TractInfo$Value80_90) #-84 - +207 %
#table(TractInfo$Value90_16) # +7 - +200 %

#TractInfo <- left_join(tractshp, TractInfo, by=c("GEOID" = "TRTID10")) #i do this later on

#Test out mapping some variables
tractshp$GEOID <- as.numeric(tractshp$GEOID)
tractshp1 <-
tractshp1$GEOID <- as.numeric(tractshp1$GEOID)
tractshp_info <- left_join(tractshp1, TractInfo, by=c("GEOID" = "TRTID10"))

quantile <- quantile(tractshp_info$Rent90_00, na.rm=T)

tractshp_info1 <- st_as_sf(tractshp_info) %>% st_transform(3857)

parcels_with_blocks <- st_centroid(Parcels_w_blocks)

testjoin <- st_join(parcels_with_blocks, tractshp_info1)

Parcels_w_tracts <-
  testjoin %>% %>% 
  dplyr::select(PID,tract,Lead_Hazar, POP70,VAC70,OWN70,RENT70,POP80,
                RENT80 , POP90, HU90, VAC90, MHMVAL90, MRENT90, OWN90, RENT90, POP00, 
                HU00, VAC00, FAMILY00, FHH00, OWN00, RENT00, pop10, hu10, vac10,
                own10, rent10, MEDINC, Educ16, Poverty16, MedianInc16, Earnings16, 
                Tenure16,Vacancy16, Mortgage16, Value80_90, 
                Vacancy80_90, Vacancy90_00, Vacancy00_10, Rent80_90, Rent90_00, Rent00_10)

VacancyChangeBar <- Parcels_w_tracts %>%
  group_by(Lead_Hazar) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(VacancyChange = mean((Vacancy80_90))) %>% 
  ggplot(., aes(x = Lead_Hazar, y = VacancyChange, fill = as.factor(Lead_Hazar))) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", width = .8, position = position_dodge(width = .01))+
  geom_text(aes(label=paste(round(VacancyChange * 100, digits = 2), "%"), vjust = 1))+
  #scale_fill_manual (values = paletteLead, labels = c("Negative", "Positive"))+
  labs(x= "Presence of Lead", y= "Percent Change in Vacancy", 
       fill = "Presence of Lead", title = "Lead Presence and Vacancy Change,\n1980 - 1990",
       caption = "T-Test p-value < 0.05")+

RentalGain <- Parcels_w_tracts %>% ###################################### this one - high rental gain associated with lead
  filter(Lead_Hazar != "2") %>% 
  group_by(Lead_Hazar) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(RentalChange = mean((Rent90_00))) %>% 
  ggplot(., aes(x = Lead_Hazar, y = RentalChange, fill = as.factor(Lead_Hazar))) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", width = .8, position = position_dodge(width = .01))+
  geom_text(aes(label=paste(round(RentalChange * 100, digits = 2), "%"), vjust = -.25))+
  scale_fill_manual (values = paletteLead, labels=c("Negative","Positive"))+
  labs(x= "Presence of Lead", y= "Percent Change in Rental Units", 
       fill = "Presence of Lead", title = "Lead Presence and Rental Change, \n1990-2000",
       caption = "T-Test p-value < 0.05")+

RentalGainMap <- ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data = tractshp_info1 %>% st_transform(26851), aes(fill = tractshp_info1$Rent90_00), color = 'white') +
  scale_fill_gradientn(colors = pal_blue5,
                       label=as.character(round(quantile(tractshp_info1$Rent90_00, na.rm=T), digits = 3)),
                       name="Rental Change\n (Quintile Breaks)") +
             aes(x=(st_coordinates(Parcels)[,1]), y=(st_coordinates(Parcels)[,2]), color= as.factor(Lead_Hazar)),size=0.5) +
  labs(title= "Are Lead Windows related with \nRental Change, 1990-2000?",
       subtitle= "Lead Windows Inspection Results and Rental Change in Minneapolis") +
  scale_color_manual(values = paletteLead,
                     name = "Inspection Results") + 
  theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "white")) +

tractshp_info2 <- tractshp_info1 %>% st_transform(26851)

st_write(tractshp_info2, "C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/Shapefiles/tract_Shapefile.shp")
st_write(Parcels, "C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/Shapefiles/parcels_Shapefile.shp")

8.5: Modeling and Prediction

head(Parcels) #testedParcels_PID
head(Parcels_w_blocks_Childlead) # testedParcels_PID
head(Parcels_w_tracts) #testedParcels_PID
Parcels2 <-
Parcels_w_tracts2 <-
Parcels_w_blocks2 <-      #[3.7.18 added this line]


#join parcel level and tract level info together                            # [3.7.18 - new join + adding Land/Bldg variables]
Parcels_all <- left_join(Parcels2, Parcels_w_tracts2,  by=c("PID" = "PID")) 
#join parcel level and tract level info together 
Parcels_all <- left_join(Parcels_all, Parcels_w_blocks2, by=c("PID" = "PID"))

#join land and building variables too
parcelsLandBuilding_cond <- dplyr::select(parcelsLandBuilding, PID, SizeInSqFt, Neighborho, Community,  
                                          TotalValue, BuildingUs, Constructi, ExteriorTy, Bedrooms)
Parcels_all <- left_join(Parcels_all, parcelsLandBuilding_cond,  by=c("testedParcels_PID" = "PID")) 

# join sale and valuation data
#   Sales
MNSalesData$PID <- as.factor(as.character(MNSalesData$PID ))
Parcels_all <- left_join(Parcels_all, MNSalesData, by=c("PID"="PID")) 
#  Valuation
Parcels_all <- left_join(Parcels_all, Valuation_tojoin, by=c("PID"="PID")) 

# join  Permit data
Parcels_all <- left_join(Parcels_all, permitCount, by=c("PID"="apn"))                       
Parcels_all <- left_join(Parcels_all, permitCount2, by=c("PID"="apn"))
Parcels_all <- mutate(Parcels_all, PermitLead = ifelse(PermitCountLead > 0, 1, 0))
#may need to rename the PermitCount, PermitCountLead and PermitLead variables if have .x or .y on end
#Parcels_all <- rename(Parcels_all, PermitCountTotal = PermitCountTotal.x, PermitCountLead = PermitCountLead.x)

#Parcels_Zoning <- left_join(Parcels_all, ZoningDataFrame, by="PID")       #error. Maureen. LHS doesnt have PID
Parcels_Lead <- left_join(ZoningDataFrame2, minnea_LeadThree, by="PID")
Parcels_Foreclosure <- left_join(Parcels_Lead, minnea_foreclosureOne, by="PID")
Parcels_ResComp <- left_join(Parcels_Foreclosure, minnea_compFive, by="PID")
Parcels_Vacancy <- left_join(Parcels_ResComp, minnea_vacancyFive, by="PID")
Parcels_final <- left_join(Parcels_all, Parcels_Vacancy, by="PID")


# select out just the relevant variables                                 # error - new variables missing
Parcels_final <- Parcels_final %>% 
  dplyr::select(c(PID   ,BUILD_YR.x.x   ,SALE_DATE.x.x  ,SALE_PRICE.x.x     ,TOT_PENALT.x.x ,
                  PR_TYP_NM1.x.x    ,OWNER_PCT1.x.x ,QUAL_IMPR1.x.x     , 
                  Lead_Hazar.x.x.x  , PermitCountTotal  ,
                  PermitCountLead   ,PermitLead     ,POP70  ,VAC70  ,OWN70  ,
                  RENT70    ,POP80  ,RENT80     ,POP90  ,HU90   ,VAC90  ,MHMVAL90   ,
                  MRENT90   ,OWN90  ,RENT90     ,POP00  ,HU00   ,VAC00  ,FAMILY00   ,
                  FHH00     ,OWN00  ,RENT00     ,pop10  ,hu10   ,vac10  ,own10  ,rent10 ,
                  MEDINC    ,Educ16.x   ,Poverty16.x    ,MedianInc16.x  ,Earnings16.x   ,
                  Tenure16.x    ,Vacancy16.x    ,Mortgage16.x   ,Value80_90     ,
                  Vacancy80_90  ,Vacancy90_00   ,Vacancy00_10   ,Rent80_90  ,
                  Rent90_00     ,Rent00_10  ,ChildUnder5    ,Child5to9  ,SizeInSqFt     ,
                  Neighborho    ,Community  ,TotalValue     ,BuildingUs     ,
                  Constructi    ,ExteriorTy     ,Bedrooms   ,density    ,
                  d_Lead    ,d_vacant   ,d_ResComp  ,d_Foreclosure  ,
                  yearsold, yearsincesold, price_max, salecountTotal, price_min, pricechange, holc_grade))

### clean up levels
Parcels_final <- filter(Parcels_final, BuildingUs %in% c("2 Fam. Conv. Sgl. Dwlg.", "Apartment 4 or 5 Unit","Apartment 6+ Unit", 
                                                         "Apartment Converted","Double Bungalow", "Duplex", "Multi-Family & Rooms",
                                                         "Single Fam. Dwlg.", "Tri-plex"))
Parcels_final <- filter(Parcels_final, !PR_TYP_NM1.x.x %in% c("LOW INCOME RENTAL", "VACANT LAND-RESIDENTIAL"))

#pf <- read.csv("C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/SpreadsheetData/allParcels.csv")
Parcels_finalOmit <- na.omit(Parcels_final)
Parcels_finalOmit <- Parcels_finalOmit %>% filter(as.numeric(as.character(BUILD_YR.x)) > 0000)

Parcels_finalOmit <- Parcels_finalOmit %>% mutate(Lead_Hazar = ifelse(Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "2" | Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "0", 0, 1))
Parcels_finalOmit$Lead_Hazar <- as.factor(as.character(Parcels_finalOmit$Lead_Hazar))
Parcels_final_year <- Parcels_finalOmit %>% filter(Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "0" | Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "1") %>% droplevels() %>% dplyr::select(-Lead_Hazar.x.x.x)

model1 <- glm(Lead_Hazar ~ BUILD_YR.x, data=Parcels_final_year, family="binomial")
prediction_year <- predict(model1, Parcels_final_year)
Parcels_final_year$yearpredict <- prediction_year

aucCurve5 <- ggplot(Parcels_final_year, aes(d = as.numeric(as.character(Lead_Hazar)), m = as.numeric(yearpredict))) + 
  geom_roc(n.cuts = 50, labels = FALSE) + 
  style_roc(theme = theme_grey) +
  labs(title="Year-Only Model ROC Curve", subtitle="AUC:.7103") +
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, size = 1.5, color = 'grey')

auc.score.year <- pROC::auc(Parcels_final_year$Lead_Hazar, Parcels_final_year$yearpredict)

Parcels_fo_year <- Parcels_finalOmit %>% filter(as.numeric(as.character(BUILD_YR.x)) < 1978)
Parcels_fo_year <- Parcels_fo_year %>% filter(as.numeric(as.character(BUILD_YR.x)) > 0000)
Parcels_fo_year$BUILD_YR.x <-as.integer(as.character(Parcels_fo_year$BUILD_YR.x))
#Parcels_fo_year$BUILD_YR.x <- (1978-Parcels_fo_year$BUILD_YR.x)
Parcels_fo_year$SALE_DATE.x <- as.integer(as.character(Parcels_fo_year$SALE_DATE.x))

# train <- Parcels_fo_year[as.factor(Parcels_fo_year$Lead_Hazar.x.x.x) %in% c("0","1"),]
# train <- Parcels_fo_year %>% filter(Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "0" | Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "1") %>% droplevels()
# test <- Parcels_fo_year %>% filter(as.numeric(as.character(Lead_Hazar.x.x.x)) == 2) %>% droplevels()

Parcels_fo_year <- Parcels_fo_year %>% mutate(Lead_Hazar = ifelse(Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "2" | Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "0", 0, 1))
Parcels_fo_year$Lead_Hazar <- as.factor(as.character(Parcels_fo_year$Lead_Hazar))

# train$Lead_Hazar.x.x.x <- as.factor(train$Lead_Hazar.x.x.x)
# test$Lead_Hazar.x.x.x <- as.factor(test$Lead_Hazar.x.x.x)

write.csv(Parcels_finalOmit, f)

Parcels_parcels <- Parcels_fo_year[c(2:5, 7:12,55,58, 59, 62,63,65:74)]
Parcels_parcels$BUILD_YR.x <- as.integer(as.character(Parcels_parcels$BUILD_YR.x))
# Parcels_parcels$BUILD_YR.x <- (1978 - Parcels_parcels$BUILD_YR.x)
Parcels_parcels$SALE_DATE.x <- as.integer(as.character(Parcels_parcels$SALE_DATE.x))
Parcels_tracts <- Parcels_fo_year[c(9,13:38,46:52, 57, 74)]
Parcels_blocks <- Parcels_fo_year[c(9,39:45,53,54, 74)]

Parcels_parcels <- Parcels_fo_year[c(2:12,55,58, 59, 61:63,65:74)] 

PID2 <-

inputStory1 <- Parcels_parcels %>% filter(Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "0" | Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "1") %>% droplevels() %>% dplyr::select(-Lead_Hazar.x.x.x)
bind <- inputStory1 %>% filter(Lead_Hazar == 0)
inputStory1 <- rbind(inputStory1, bind, bind, bind)
inputStory1$BUILD_YR.x <- as.factor(as.character(inputStory1$BUILD_YR.x))

datTrain_Sub <- subset(inputStory1, select=-Lead_Hazar)
LeadHazard_train <- inputStory1$Lead_Hazar

fit_xgb <- xgboost(data.matrix(datTrain_Sub), as.numeric(as.character(LeadHazard_train)),
                   nrounds = 800,
                   eta =  0.001,
                   max_depth = 2,
                   gamma = 1,
                   colsample_bytree = 1,
                   min_child_weight = 1,
                   subsample = 1
                   , booster = "gbtree"
                   , eval_metric = "error"
                   , objective="binary:logistic")

thisPrediction = predict(fit_xgb,inputStory1 %>% dplyr::select(-Lead_Hazar) %>% data.matrix(), type="response")

inputStory1$prediction <- thisPrediction

auc.score <- pROC::auc(inputStory1$Lead_Hazar, inputStory1$prediction)

boruta.train <- Boruta(as.factor(as.character(Lead_Hazar)) ~ ., data = inputStory1 %>% dplyr::select(-prediction), doTrace = 0)

## save features
borutaVars <- getSelectedAttributes(boruta.train)     # BUILD_YR.x.x.x. SALE_PRICE. MEDINC. d_Lead. d_Foreclosure.

boruta.formula <- formula(paste("as.factor(as.character(Lead_Hazar)) ~ ", paste(borutaVars, collapse = " + ")))

boruta.train <- glm(boruta.formula, data=inputStory1, family = binomial(link = "logit"))

borutaPrediction <- predict(boruta.train, inputStory1, type="response")

inputStory1$prediction1 <- borutaPrediction
# inputStory1$predClass1 = ifelse(inputStory1$prediction1 > .25 ,1,0)
# inputStory1$Correct1 = ifelse(inputStory1$predClass1 == inputStory1$Lead_Hazar, "Correct", "Incorrect")
# inputStory1$confuse1 = ifelse((inputStory1$predClass1 == 0 & inputStory1$Lead_Hazar == 0), "True Negative", ifelse((inputStory1$predClass1 == 1 & inputStory1$Lead_Hazar == 1), "True Positive", ifelse((inputStory1$predClass1 == 0 & inputStory1$Lead_Hazar == 1), "False Negative", "False Positive")))
# myresult_ensemble <- data.frame()
# for (i in c(.05, .1, .15, .2, .25, .3, .35, .4, .45, .5, .55, .6, .65, .7, .75, .8, .85, .9, .95)){
#   i
#   inputStory1$predClass1<- ifelse(inputStory1$prediction1 > i ,1,0)
#   sens <- sensitive(as.factor(inputStory1$predClass1), as.factor(inputStory1$Lead_Hazar))
#   thisresult <- data.frame(i, sens)
#   myresult_ensemble <- rbind(myresult_ensemble,thisresult)
# }

auc.score1 <- pROC::auc(inputStory1$Lead_Hazar, inputStory1$prediction1)

model.null.ensemble = glm(as.factor(as.character(Lead_Hazar)) ~ 1,
                          data=inputStory1 %>% dplyr::select(-prediction, -prediction1),
                          family = binomial(link="logit")

model.full.ensemble = glm(as.factor(as.character(Lead_Hazar)) ~ .,
                          data= inputStory1 %>% dplyr::select(-prediction, -prediction1),
                          family = binomial(link="logit")

step <- step(model.null.ensemble,
             scope = list(upper=model.full.ensemble),
formula <- step$formula

stepwise.train <- glm(formula, data=inputStory1, family=binomial(link="logit"))
stepwise.prediction <- predict(stepwise.train, inputStory1, type = "response")
inputStory1$prediction2 <- stepwise.prediction

auc.score2 <- pROC::auc(inputStory1$Lead_Hazar, inputStory1$prediction2)

all.train <- glm(as.factor(as.character(Lead_Hazar)) ~ .,
                 data= inputStory1 %>% dplyr::select(-prediction, -prediction1, -prediction2),
                 family = binomial(link="logit"))
all.predict <- predict(all.train,inputStory1,type="response")

inputStory1$prediction3 <-all.predict

auc.score3 <- pROC::auc(inputStory1$Lead_Hazar, inputStory1$prediction3)

inputStory2 <- Parcels_blocks %>% filter(Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "0" | Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "1") %>% droplevels() %>% dplyr::select(-Lead_Hazar.x.x.x)
bind <- inputStory2 %>% filter(Lead_Hazar == 0)
inputStory2 <- rbind(inputStory2, bind, bind, bind)

datTrain_Sub <- subset(inputStory2, select=-Lead_Hazar)
LeadHazard_train <- as.numeric(as.character(inputStory2$Lead_Hazar))

fit_xgb <- xgboost(data.matrix(datTrain_Sub), LeadHazard_train,
                   nrounds = 800,
                   eta =  0.001,
                   max_depth = 2,
                   gamma = 1,
                   colsample_bytree = 1,
                   min_child_weight = 1,
                   subsample = 1
                   , booster = "gbtree"
                   , eval_metric = "error"
                   , objective="binary:logistic")

thisPrediction = predict(fit_xgb,inputStory2 %>% dplyr::select(-Lead_Hazar) %>% data.matrix(), type="response")

inputStory2$prediction <- thisPrediction

auc.score.1 <- pROC::auc(inputStory2$Lead_Hazar, inputStory2$prediction)

boruta.train <- Boruta(as.factor(as.character(Lead_Hazar)) ~ ., data = inputStory2 %>% dplyr::select(-prediction), doTrace = 0)

## save features
borutaVars <- getSelectedAttributes(boruta.train)     # BUILD_YR.x.x.x. SALE_PRICE. MEDINC. d_Lead. d_Foreclosure.

boruta.formula <- formula(paste("as.factor(as.character(Lead_Hazar)) ~ ", paste(borutaVars, collapse = " + ")))

boruta.train <- glm(boruta.formula, data=inputStory2, family = binomial(link = "logit"))

borutaPrediction <- predict(boruta.train, inputStory2, type="response")

inputStory2$prediction1 <- borutaPrediction
# inputStory2$predClass1 = ifelse(inputStory2$prediction1 > .25 ,1,0)
# inputStory2$Correct1 = ifelse(inputStory2$predClass1 == inputStory2$Lead_Hazar, "Correct", "Incorrect")
# inputStory2$confuse1 = ifelse((inputStory2$predClass1 == 0 & inputStory2$Lead_Hazar == 0), "True Negative", ifelse((inputStory2$predClass1 == 1 & inputStory2$Lead_Hazar == 1), "True Positive", ifelse((inputStory2$predClass1 == 0 & inputStory2$Lead_Hazar == 1), "False Negative", "False Positive")))
# myresult_ensemble <- data.frame()
# for (i in c(.05, .1, .15, .2, .25, .3, .35, .4, .45, .5, .55, .6, .65, .7, .75, .8, .85, .9, .95)){
#   i
#   inputStory2$predClass1<- ifelse(inputStory2$prediction1 > i ,1,0)
#   sens <- sensitive(as.factor(inputStory2$predClass1), as.factor(inputStory2$Lead_Hazar))
#   thisresult <- data.frame(i, sens)
#   myresult_ensemble <- rbind(myresult_ensemble,thisresult)
# }

auc.score1.1 <- pROC::auc(inputStory2$Lead_Hazar, inputStory2$prediction1)

model.null.ensemble = glm(as.factor(as.character(Lead_Hazar)) ~ 1,
                          data=inputStory2 %>% dplyr::select(-prediction, -prediction1),
                          family = binomial(link="logit")

model.full.ensemble = glm(as.factor(as.character(Lead_Hazar)) ~ .,
                          data= inputStory2 %>% dplyr::select(-prediction, -prediction1),
                          family = binomial(link="logit")

step <- step(model.null.ensemble,
             scope = list(upper=model.full.ensemble),
formula <- step$formula

stepwise.train <- glm(formula, data=inputStory2, family=binomial(link="logit"))
stepwise.prediction <- predict(stepwise.train, inputStory2, type = "response")
inputStory2$prediction2 <- stepwise.prediction

auc.score2.1 <- pROC::auc(inputStory2$Lead_Hazar, inputStory2$prediction2)

all.train <- glm(as.factor(as.character(Lead_Hazar)) ~ .,
                 data= inputStory2 %>% dplyr::select(-prediction, -prediction1, -prediction2),
                 family = binomial(link="logit"))
all.predict <- predict(all.train,inputStory2,type="response")

inputStory2$prediction3 <-all.predict

auc.score3.1 <- pROC::auc(inputStory2$Lead_Hazar, inputStory2$prediction3)

inputStory3 <- Parcels_tracts %>% filter(Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "0" | Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "1") %>% droplevels() %>% dplyr::select(-Lead_Hazar.x.x.x)
bind <- inputStory3 %>% filter(Lead_Hazar == 0)
inputStory3 <- rbind(inputStory3, bind, bind, bind)

datTrain_Sub <- subset(inputStory3, select=-Lead_Hazar)
LeadHazard_train <- as.numeric(as.character(inputStory3$Lead_Hazar))

fit_xgb <- xgboost(data.matrix(datTrain_Sub), LeadHazard_train,
                   nrounds = 800,
                   eta =  0.001,
                   max_depth = 2,
                   gamma = 1,
                   colsample_bytree = 1,
                   min_child_weight = 1,
                   subsample = 1
                   , booster = "gbtree"
                   , eval_metric = "error"
                   , objective="binary:logistic")

thisPrediction = predict(fit_xgb,inputStory3 %>% dplyr::select(-Lead_Hazar) %>% data.matrix(), type="response")

inputStory3$prediction <- thisPrediction

auc.score.2 <- pROC::auc(inputStory3$Lead_Hazar, inputStory3$prediction)

boruta.train <- Boruta(as.factor(as.character(Lead_Hazar)) ~ ., data = inputStory3 %>% dplyr::select(-prediction), doTrace = 0)

## save features
borutaVars <- getSelectedAttributes(boruta.train)     # BUILD_YR.x.x.x. SALE_PRICE. MEDINC. d_Lead. d_Foreclosure.

boruta.formula <- formula(paste("as.factor(as.character(Lead_Hazar)) ~ ", paste(borutaVars, collapse = " + ")))

boruta.train <- glm(boruta.formula, data=inputStory3, family = binomial(link = "logit"))

borutaPrediction <- predict(boruta.train, inputStory3, type="response")

inputStory3$prediction1 <- borutaPrediction
# inputStory3$predClass1 = ifelse(inputStory3$prediction1 > .25 ,1,0)
# inputStory3$Correct1 = ifelse(inputStory3$predClass1 == inputStory3$Lead_Hazar, "Correct", "Incorrect")
# inputStory3$confuse1 = ifelse((inputStory3$predClass1 == 0 & inputStory3$Lead_Hazar == 0), "True Negative", ifelse((inputStory3$predClass1 == 1 & inputStory3$Lead_Hazar == 1), "True Positive", ifelse((inputStory3$predClass1 == 0 & inputStory3$Lead_Hazar == 1), "False Negative", "False Positive")))
# myresult_ensemble <- data.frame()
# for (i in c(.05, .1, .15, .2, .25, .3, .35, .4, .45, .5, .55, .6, .65, .7, .75, .8, .85, .9, .95)){
#   i
#   inputStory3$predClass1<- ifelse(inputStory3$prediction1 > i ,1,0)
#   sens <- sensitive(as.factor(inputStory3$predClass1), as.factor(inputStory3$Lead_Hazar))
#   thisresult <- data.frame(i, sens)
#   myresult_ensemble <- rbind(myresult_ensemble,thisresult)
# }

auc.score1.2 <- pROC::auc(inputStory3$Lead_Hazar, inputStory3$prediction1)

model.null.ensemble = glm(as.factor(as.character(Lead_Hazar)) ~ 1,
                          data=inputStory3 %>% dplyr::select(-prediction, -prediction1),
                          family = binomial(link="logit")

model.full.ensemble = glm(as.factor(as.character(Lead_Hazar)) ~ .,
                          data= inputStory3 %>% dplyr::select(-prediction, -prediction1),
                          family = binomial(link="logit")

step <- step(model.null.ensemble,
             scope = list(upper=model.full.ensemble),
formula <- step$formula

stepwise.train <- glm(formula, data=inputStory3, family=binomial(link="logit"))
stepwise.prediction <- predict(stepwise.train, inputStory3, type = "response")
inputStory3$prediction2 <- stepwise.prediction

auc.score2.2 <- pROC::auc(inputStory3$Lead_Hazar, inputStory3$prediction2)

all.train <- glm(as.factor(as.character(Lead_Hazar)) ~ .,
                 data= inputStory3 %>% dplyr::select(-prediction, -prediction1, -prediction2),
                 family = binomial(link="logit"))
all.predict <- predict(all.train,inputStory3,type="response")

inputStory3$prediction3 <-all.predict

auc.score3.2 <- pROC::auc(inputStory3$Lead_Hazar, inputStory3$prediction3)

inputStory4.1 <- Parcels_fo_year %>% filter(Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "0" | Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "1") %>% droplevels() %>% dplyr::select(-c(Lead_Hazar.x.x.x, d_Lead, PR_TYP_NM1.x, Neighborho, ExteriorTy, Constructi))
PID <- Parcels_fo_year %>% filter(Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "0" | Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "1") %>% droplevels() %>% dplyr::select(PID, Lead_Hazar)
PID1 <- PID %>% filter(Lead_Hazar == 0)
PID2 <- rbind(PID, PID1, PID1, PID1) %>% dplyr::select(-Lead_Hazar)
bind <- inputStory4.1 %>% filter(Lead_Hazar == 0)
inputStory4.1 <- rbind(inputStory4.1, bind, bind, bind)

inputStory5.1 <- Parcels_fo_year %>% filter(Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "0" | Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "1") %>% droplevels() %>% dplyr::select(Neighborho, Lead_Hazar)
bind <- inputStory5.1 %>% filter(Lead_Hazar == 0)
inputStory5.1 <- rbind(inputStory5.1, bind, bind, bind) %>% dplyr::select(-Lead_Hazar)
inputStory5.1$Neighborho1 <- as.numeric(inputStory5.1$Neighborho)

datTrain_Sub <- subset(inputStory4.1, select=-Lead_Hazar)
LeadHazard_train <- inputStory4.1$Lead_Hazar

fit_xgb <- xgboost(data.matrix(datTrain_Sub), as.numeric(as.character(LeadHazard_train)),
                   nrounds = 800,
                   eta =  0.001,
                   max_depth = 2,
                   gamma = 1,
                   colsample_bytree = 1,
                   min_child_weight = 1,
                   subsample = 1
                   , booster = "gbtree"
                   , eval_metric = "error"
                   , objective="binary:logistic")

thisPrediction = predict(fit_xgb, inputStory4.1 %>% dplyr::select(-Lead_Hazar) %>% data.matrix(), type="response")

inputStory4.1$prediction <- thisPrediction

auc.score.4.1 <- pROC::auc(inputStory4.1$Lead_Hazar, inputStory4.1$prediction)

boruta.train <- Boruta(as.factor(as.character(Lead_Hazar)) ~ ., data = inputStory4.1 %>% dplyr::select(-prediction), doTrace = 0)

## save features
borutaVars <- getSelectedAttributes(boruta.train)     # BUILD_YR.x.x.x. SALE_PRICE. MEDINC. d_Lead. d_Foreclosure.

boruta.formula <- formula(paste("as.factor(as.character(Lead_Hazar)) ~ ", paste(borutaVars, collapse = " + ")))

boruta.train <- glm(boruta.formula, data=inputStory4.1, family = binomial(link = "logit"))

borutaPrediction <- predict(boruta.train, inputStory4.1, type="response")

inputStory4.1$prediction1 <- borutaPrediction
# inputStory1$predClass1 = ifelse(inputStory1$prediction1 > .25 ,1,0)
# inputStory1$Correct1 = ifelse(inputStory1$predClass1 == inputStory1$Lead_Hazar, "Correct", "Incorrect")
# inputStory1$confuse1 = ifelse((inputStory1$predClass1 == 0 & inputStory1$Lead_Hazar == 0), "True Negative", ifelse((inputStory1$predClass1 == 1 & inputStory1$Lead_Hazar == 1), "True Positive", ifelse((inputStory1$predClass1 == 0 & inputStory1$Lead_Hazar == 1), "False Negative", "False Positive")))
# myresult_ensemble <- data.frame()
# for (i in c(.05, .1, .15, .2, .25, .3, .35, .4, .45, .5, .55, .6, .65, .7, .75, .8, .85, .9, .95)){
#   i
#   inputStory1$predClass1<- ifelse(inputStory1$prediction1 > i ,1,0)
#   sens <- sensitive(as.factor(inputStory1$predClass1), as.factor(inputStory1$Lead_Hazar))
#   thisresult <- data.frame(i, sens)
#   myresult_ensemble <- rbind(myresult_ensemble,thisresult)
# }

auc.score1.4.1 <- pROC::auc(inputStory4.1$Lead_Hazar, inputStory4.1$prediction1)

model.null.ensemble = glm(as.factor(as.character(Lead_Hazar)) ~ 1,
                          data=inputStory4.1 %>% dplyr::select(-prediction, -prediction1),
                          family = binomial(link="logit")

model.full.ensemble = glm(as.factor(as.character(Lead_Hazar)) ~ .,
                          data= inputStory4.1 %>% dplyr::select(-prediction, -prediction1),
                          family = binomial(link="logit")

step <- step(model.null.ensemble,
             scope = list(upper=model.full.ensemble),
formula <- step$formula

stepwise.train <- glm(formula, data=inputStory4.1, family=binomial(link="logit"))
stepwise.prediction <- predict(stepwise.train, inputStory4.1, type = "response")
inputStory4.1$prediction2 <- stepwise.prediction

matrix.coeff <- as.matrix(stepwise.train$coefficients,stepwise.train$coefficients,stepwise.train$coefficients,

auc.score2.4.1 <- pROC::auc(inputStory4.1$Lead_Hazar, inputStory4.1$prediction2)

all.train <- glm(as.factor(as.character(Lead_Hazar)) ~ .,
                 data= inputStory4.1 %>% dplyr::select(-c(prediction2, prediction, prediction1)),
                 family = binomial(link="logit"))
all.predict <- predict(all.train,inputStory4.1, type="response")

inputStory4.1$prediction3 <-all.predict

auc.score3.4.1 <- pROC::auc(inputStory4.1$Lead_Hazar, inputStory4.1$prediction3)

testall <- predict(all.train,  Parcels_fo_year %>% filter(Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "2") %>% droplevels() %>% dplyr::select(-c(Lead_Hazar, Lead_Hazar.x.x.x, PID, d_Lead, PR_TYP_NM1.x, Neighborho, ExteriorTy, Constructi)), type="response") <- data.frame() <- cbind(c("XGBoost", "Boruta", "Stepwise", "Kitchen Sink")) <- cbind(, c(auc.score, auc.score1, auc.score2, auc.score3), 
                  c(auc.score.1, auc.score1.1, auc.score2.1, auc.score3.1),
                  c(auc.score.2, auc.score1.2, auc.score2.2, auc.score3.2),
                  c(auc.score.4.1, auc.score1.4.1, auc.score2.4.1, auc.score3.4.1))

myresult_parcels <- data.frame()
for (i in c(.05, .1, .15, .2, .25, .3, .35, .4, .45, .5, .55, .6, .65, .7, .75, .8, .85, .9, .95)){
  inputStory1$predClass1<- ifelse(inputStory1$prediction3 > i ,1,0)
  sens <- sensitive(as.factor(inputStory1$predClass1), as.factor(inputStory1$Lead_Hazar))
  thisresult <- data.frame(i, sens)
  myresult_parcels <- rbind(myresult_parcels,thisresult)

myresult_blocks <- data.frame()
for (i in c(.05, .1, .15, .2, .25, .3, .35, .4, .45, .5, .55, .6, .65, .7, .75, .8, .85, .9, .95)){
  inputStory2$predClass1<- ifelse(inputStory2$prediction > i ,1,0)
  sens <- sensitive(as.factor(inputStory2$predClass1), as.factor(inputStory2$Lead_Hazar))
  thisresult <- data.frame(i, sens)
  myresult_blocks <- rbind(myresult_blocks,thisresult)

myresult_tracts <- data.frame()
for (i in c(.05, .1, .15, .2, .25, .3, .35, .4, .45, .5, .55, .6, .65, .7, .75, .8, .85, .9, .95)){
  inputStory3$predClass1<- ifelse(inputStory3$prediction3 > i ,1,0)
  sens <- sensitive(as.factor(inputStory3$predClass1), as.factor(inputStory3$Lead_Hazar))
  thisresult <- data.frame(i, sens)
  myresult_tracts <- rbind(myresult_tracts,thisresult)

myresult_all <- data.frame()
for (i in c(.05, .1, .15, .2, .25, .3, .35, .4, .45, .5, .55, .6, .65, .7, .75, .8, .85, .9, .95)){
  inputStory4.1$predClass1<- ifelse(inputStory4.1$stepwise_predict > i ,1,0)
  sens <- sensitive(as.factor(inputStory4.1$predClass1), as.factor(inputStory4.1$Lead_Hazar))
  spec <- specific(as.factor(inputStory4.1$predClass1), as.factor(inputStory4.1$Lead_Hazar))
  step1 <- confusionMatrix(as.factor(inputStory4.1$predClass1), as.factor(inputStory4.1$Lead_Hazar))
  overall <- step1$overall
  acc <- overall['Accuracy']
  thisresult <- data.frame(i, sens, spec, acc)
  myresult_all <- rbind(myresult_all,thisresult)

write.csv(myresult_all, "C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/SpreadsheetData/ssa.csv")

myresult_all1 <- data.frame()
for (i in c(.05, .1, .15, .2, .25, .3, .35, .4, .45, .5, .55, .6, .65, .7, .75, .8, .85, .9, .95)){
  inputStory4.1$predClass1<- ifelse(inputStory4.1$prediction3 > i ,1,0)
  sens <- sensitive(as.factor(inputStory4.1$predClass1), as.factor(inputStory4.1$Lead_Hazar))
  thisresult <- data.frame(i, sens)
  myresult_all1 <- rbind(myresult_all1,thisresult)

testing <- inputStory4.1

testing$predClass = ifelse(testing$prediction3 > .15 ,1,0)
testing$Correct = ifelse(testing$predClass == testing$Lead_Hazar, "Correct", "Incorrect")
testing$confuse = ifelse((testing$predClass == 0 & testing$Lead_Hazar == 0), "True Negative", ifelse((testing$predClass == 1 & testing$Lead_Hazar == 1), "True Positive", ifelse((testing$predClass == 0 & testing$Lead_Hazar == 1), "False Negative", "False Positive")))

myresult_parcels1 <- data.frame()
for (i in c(.3, .31, .32, .33, .34, .35)){
  inputStory1$predClass1<- ifelse(inputStory1$prediction > i ,1,0)
  sens <- sensitive(as.factor(inputStory1$predClass1), as.factor(inputStory1$Lead_Hazar))
  thisresult <- data.frame(i, sens)
  myresult_parcels1 <- rbind(myresult_parcels1,thisresult)
#parcel cutoff .34

myresult_blocks1 <- data.frame()
for (i in c(.5, .51, .52, .53, .54, .55)){
  inputStory2$predClass1<- ifelse(inputStory2$prediction > i ,1,0)
  sens <- sensitive(as.factor(inputStory2$predClass1), as.factor(inputStory2$Lead_Hazar))
  thisresult <- data.frame(i, sens)
  myresult_blocks1 <- rbind(myresult_blocks1,thisresult)
#blocks cutoff .53

myresult_tracts1 <- data.frame()
for (i in c(.3, .31, .32, .33, .34, .35, .36, .37, .38, .39, .4)){
  inputStory3$predClass1<- ifelse(inputStory3$prediction3 > i ,1,0)
  sens <- sensitive(as.factor(inputStory3$predClass1), as.factor(inputStory3$Lead_Hazar))
  thisresult <- data.frame(i, sens)
  myresult_tracts1 <- rbind(myresult_tracts1,thisresult)

bestPrediction <- prediction(inputStory4.1$prediction1, inputStory4.1$Lead_Hazar)
#tracts cutoff .36

roc.perf = performance(bestPrediction, measure = "sens", x.measure="spec")

#Optimal cut-point, if you want to weigh specificity and
#sensitivity equally.
#There are a couple ways to identify the optimal cut point.
#One is the so-called Youden Index, which identifies the cut-off
#point for which (sensitivity + specificity) is maximized.

#Another one, calculated using the code below, is the cut-off
#value for which the ROC curve has the minimum distance from
#the upper left corner of the graph, where specificity = 1 and
#sensitivity = 1. (This is just a different way of maximizing 
#specificity and sensitivity). This is where the 
#d = (x - 0)^2 + (y-1)^2
#in the code below comes in.

opt.cut = function(perf, pred){
  cut.ind = mapply(FUN=function(x, y, p){
    d = (x - 0)^2 + (y-1)^2
    ind = which(d == min(d))
    c(sensitivity = y[[ind]], specificity = 1-x[[ind]], 
      cutoff = p[[ind]])
  }, perf@x.values, perf@y.values, pred@cutoffs)
#This will print the optimal cut-off point and the corresponding
#specificity and sensitivity 
print(opt.cut(roc.perf, bestPrediction))

inputStory4.1$BYF <- as.factor(as.character(inputStory4.1$BUILD_YR.x))
yrmod <- glm(Lead_Hazar ~ BYF, data=inputStory4.1, family=binomial(link="logit"))
yearmodpred <- predict(yrmod, inputStory4.1, type = "response")
inputStory4.1$prediction4 <- yearmodpred

auc1 <- cbind(as.numeric(as.character(inputStory4.1$Lead_Hazar)), inputStory4.1$prediction, model="XGBoost Model ROC Curve")
auc2 <- cbind(as.numeric(as.character(inputStory4.1$Lead_Hazar)), inputStory4.1$prediction1, model="Boruta Model ROC Curve")
auc3 <- cbind(as.numeric(as.character(inputStory4.1$Lead_Hazar)), inputStory4.1$prediction2, model="Stepwise Model ROC Curve")
auc4 <- cbind(as.numeric(as.character(inputStory4.1$Lead_Hazar)), inputStory4.1$prediction3, model="Kitchen Sink Model ROC Curve")
auc5 <- cbind(as.numeric(as.character(inputStory4.1$Lead_Hazar)), inputStory4.1$prediction4, model="Build Year Only Model ROC Curve")
allAUC <- rbind(auc1, auc2, auc3, auc4, auc5) %>%

write.csv(allAUC, "C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/SpreadsheetData/allAUC.csv")

aucCurve1 <- ggplot(inputStory4.1, aes(d = as.numeric(as.character(Lead_Hazar)), m = as.numeric(prediction))) + 
  geom_roc(n.cuts = 50, labels = FALSE) + 
  style_roc(theme = theme_grey) +
  labs(title="XGBoost Model ROC Curve") +
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, size = 1.5, color = 'grey')
aucCurve2 <- ggplot(inputStory4.1, aes(d = as.numeric(as.character(Lead_Hazar)), m = as.numeric(prediction1))) + 
  geom_roc(n.cuts = 50, labels = FALSE) + 
  style_roc(theme = theme_grey) +
  labs(title="Boruta Model ROC Curve") +
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, size = 1.5, color = 'grey')
aucCurve3 <- ggplot(inputStory4.1, aes(d = as.numeric(as.character(Lead_Hazar)), m = as.numeric(prediction2))) + 
  geom_roc(n.cuts = 50, labels = FALSE) + 
  style_roc(theme = theme_grey) +
  labs(title="Stepwise Model ROC Curve") +
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, size = 1.5, color = 'grey')
aucCurve4 <- ggplot(inputStory4.1, aes(d = as.numeric(as.character(Lead_Hazar)), m = as.numeric(prediction3))) + 
  geom_roc(n.cuts = 50, labels = FALSE) + 
  style_roc(theme = theme_grey) +
  labs(title="All Variables Model ROC Curve") +
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, size = 1.5, color = 'grey')
grid.arrange(aucCurve1, aucCurve2, aucCurve3, aucCurve4, nrow=2, ncol=2)

ensembleFunction <- function(inputStory, iterations, sampleSize) {
  #create an empty dataframe
  endList <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(inputStory %>% filter(Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "2")), ncol = 0))
  inputStory1 <- inputStory %>% filter(Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "0" | Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "1") %>% droplevels() %>% dplyr::select(-Lead_Hazar.x.x.x)
  bind <- inputStory1 %>% filter(Lead_Hazar == 0)
  inputStory1 <- rbind(inputStory1, bind, bind, bind)
  datTrain_Sub <- subset(inputStory1, select=-Lead_Hazar)
  LeadHazard_train <- as.numeric(as.character(inputStory1$Lead_Hazar))
  fit_xgb <- xgboost(data.matrix(datTrain_Sub), LeadHazard_train,
                     nrounds = 800,
                     eta =  0.001,
                     max_depth = 2,
                     gamma = 1,
                     colsample_bytree = 1,
                     min_child_weight = 1,
                     subsample = 1
                     , booster = "gbtree"
                     , eval_metric = "error"
                     , objective="binary:logistic")
  #build n models with a m% test set
  for (i in 1: iterations) {
    # sample <- = nrow(inputStory1), size = floor(sampleSize *nrow(inputStory1)), replace = F)
    # train <- inputStory1[sample, ]
    # #train the model
    # thisTrain <- glm(boruta.formula, data = train, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
    #create a vector of predictions for this model.
    thisPrediction = predict(fit_xgb, Parcels_fo_year %>% filter(Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "2") %>% dplyr::select(-Lead_Hazar.x.x.x, -Lead_Hazar) %>% data.matrix(), type="response")
    #append the predictions to the data frame         
    endList <- cbind(endList, thisPrediction)
  #label each prediction column 1 through n
  colnames(endList) <- paste("prediction", 1:ncol(endList), sep = "")
  #create a data frame of average, median and sd predictions. I have turned off the latter two for now
  return(data.frame(mean.Prediction = rowMeans(endList)))

ensembleFunction1 <- function(inputStory, iterations, sampleSize) {
  #create an empty dataframe
  endList <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(inputStory %>% filter(Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "2")), ncol = 0))
  inputStory1 <- inputStory %>% filter(Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "0" | Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "1") %>% droplevels() %>% dplyr::select(-Lead_Hazar.x.x.x)
  bind <- inputStory1 %>% filter(Lead_Hazar == 0)
  inputStory1 <- rbind(inputStory1, bind, bind, bind)
  forumla <- glm(Lead_Hazar ~ . , data=inputStory1, family = binomial(link="logit"))
  #build n models with a m% test set
  for (i in 1: iterations) {
     sample <- = nrow(inputStory1), size = floor(sampleSize *nrow(inputStory1)), replace = F)
     train <- inputStory1[sample, ]
     #train the model
     thisTrain <- glm(forumla, data = train, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
    #create a vector of predictions for this model.
    thisPrediction = predict(thisTrain, Parcels_fo_year %>% filter(Lead_Hazar.x.x.x == "2") %>% dplyr::select(-Lead_Hazar.x.x.x, -Lead_Hazar), type="response")
    #append the predictions to the data frame         
    endList <- cbind(endList, thisPrediction)
  #label each prediction column 1 through n
  colnames(endList) <- paste("prediction", 1:ncol(endList), sep = "")
  #create a data frame of average, median and sd predictions. I have turned off the latter two for now
  return(data.frame(mean.Prediction = rowMeans(endList)))

Parcels_parcels$BUILD_YR.x <- as.factor(Parcels_parcels$BUILD_YR.x)

allStories.predictions <- 
      story1.mean.predictions = ((ensembleFunction1(Parcels_parcels,100,1)[,1])),
      story2.mean.predictions = ((ensembleFunction(Parcels_blocks,100,1)[,1])),
      story3.mean.predictions = ((ensembleFunction1(Parcels_tracts,100,1)[,1])),
      dependent = as.factor(as.character(Parcels_fo_year$Lead_Hazar)),
      filter = as.factor(as.character(Parcels_fo_year$Lead_Hazar.x.x.x))

allStories.predictions$dependent <- ifelse(allStories.predictions$dependent == 1, 0, 2) %>% as.factor()
allStories.predictions$dependent <- ifelse(allStories.predictions$dependent == 2, 1, 0) %>% as.factor()
allStories.predictions$parcels <- ifelse(allStories.predictions$story1.mean.predictions > .34,1,0)
allStories.predictions$blocks <- ifelse(allStories.predictions$story2.mean.predictions > .53,1,0)
allStories.predictions$tracts <- ifelse(allStories.predictions$story3.mean.predictions > .25,1,0)

train <- allStories.predictions %>% filter(filter != "3") %>% dplyr::select(-filter)
test <- allStories.predictions %>% filter(filter == "3") %>% dplyr::select(-filter)

myresult_parcels_ensemble <- data.frame()
for (i in c(.05, .1, .15, .2, .25, .3, .35, .4, .45, .5, .55, .6, .65, .7, .75, .8, .85, .9, .95)){
  train$predClass1 <- ifelse(train$story1.mean.predictions > i ,1,0)
  sens <- sensitive(as.factor(train$predClass1), as.factor(train$dependent))
  thisresult <- data.frame(i, sens)
  myresult_parcels_ensemble <- rbind(myresult_parcels_ensemble,thisresult)

myresult_blocks_ensemble <- data.frame()
for (i in c(.55, .551, .552, .553, .56, .57, .58, .59, .6)){
  train$predClass1 <- ifelse(train$story2.mean.predictions > i ,1,0)
  sens <- sensitive(as.factor(train$predClass1), as.factor(train$dependent))
  thisresult <- data.frame(i, sens)
  myresult_blocks_ensemble <- rbind(myresult_blocks_ensemble,thisresult)

myresult_tracts_ensemble <- data.frame()
for (i in c(.05, .1, .15, .2, .25, .3, .35, .4, .45, .5, .55, .6, .65, .7, .75, .8, .85, .9, .95)){
  train$predClass1 <- ifelse(train$story3.mean.predictions > i ,1,0)
  sens <- sensitive(as.factor(train$predClass1), as.factor(train$dependent))
  thisresult <- data.frame(i, sens)
  myresult_tracts_ensemble <- rbind(myresult_tracts_ensemble,thisresult)

sample_new = sample.split(allStories.predictions, SplitRatio = .8)
datTrain_new = subset(allStories.predictions, sample_new == TRUE)
datTest_new = subset(allStories.predictions, sample_new == FALSE)

finalReg <- glm(dependent ~ .,data=train %>% dplyr::select(-c(parcels,tracts, blocks)),family=binomial)
ensemble_prediction_train <- predict(finalReg, train, type="response")
ensemble_prediction <- predict(finalReg, test, type="response")

train$predicted <- ensemble_prediction_train
test$predicted <- ensemble_prediction

testProbs<- data.frame(Lead = as.numeric(inputStory4.1$Lead_Hazar), Probs =inputStory4.1$prediction3, model="Stepwise") %>% 
  mutate(leadLabel = ifelse(Lead == 1, "Negative", "Positive"))

testProbs_omg <- data.frame(Lead = as.numeric(train$dependent), Probs =train$predicted, model="Ensemble") %>% 
  mutate(leadLabel = ifelse(Lead == 1, "Negative", "Positive"))

adminPropsPlot_omg <- ggplot(testProbs_omg, aes(x = Probs, fill=as.factor(Lead))) + geom_density(aes(y = ..count..)) +
  facet_grid(leadLabel ~ .) + xlab("Positive Result Probability") + scale_fill_manual(values=c("#477371", "yellow"), labels = c("Negative", "Positive")) + labs(fill="Lead Presence", title="Stepwise-Selected Variables") + plotTheme() + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0,1))

#head(testProbs)     #has actual class and the predicted probabilities (range between 0 and 1)
#according to model we've trained, the probability that inundation will occur
#gives us opportunity to compare predicted to actual

#plot the distrubtion of predictied probabilities for each binary class - 0 and 1.
adminPropsPlot <- ggplot(testProbs, aes(x = Probs, fill=as.factor(Lead))) + geom_density(aes(y = ..count..)) +
  facet_grid(leadLabel ~ .) + xlab("Positive Result Probability") + scale_fill_manual(values=c("#477371", "yellow"), labels = c("Negative", "Positive")) + labs(fill="Lead Presence", title="Stepwise-Selected Variables") + plotTheme() + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0,1))

train$predClass = ifelse(train$predicted > .6734 ,1,0)
train$Correct = ifelse(train$predClass == train$dependent, "Correct", "Incorrect")
train$confuse = ifelse((train$predClass == 0 & train$dependent == 0), "True Negative", ifelse((train$predClass == 1 & train$dependent == 1), "True Positive", ifelse((train$predClass == 0 & train$dependent == 1), "False Negative", "False Positive")))
myresult_ensemble <- data.frame()
for (i in c(.44, 0.5, .55, .65, .7, .75)){
  inputStory1$predClass<- ifelse(inputStory1$prediction > i ,1,0)
  sens <- sensitive(as.factor(inputStory1$predClass), as.factor(inputStory1$Lead_Hazar))
  thisresult <- data.frame(i, sens)
  myresult_ensemble <- rbind(myresult_ensemble,thisresult)

sensitive <- function (actuals, predictedScores, threshold = 0.5) 
  predicted_dir <- ifelse(as.numeric(as.character(predictedScores)) < threshold, 0, 1)
  actual_dir <- actuals
  no_without_and_predicted_to_not_have_event <- sum(actual_dir != 
                                                      1 & predicted_dir != 1, na.rm = T)
  no_without_event <- sum(actual_dir != 1, na.rm = T)

specific <- function (actuals, predictedScores, threshold = 0.5) 
  predicted_dir <- ifelse(as.numeric(as.character(predictedScores)) < threshold, 0, 1)
  actual_dir <- actuals
  no_with_and_predicted_to_have_event <- sum(actual_dir == 
                                               1 & predicted_dir == 1, na.rm = T)
  no_with_event <- sum(actual_dir == 1, na.rm = T)

ctrl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 99, savePredictions = TRUE)

mod_fit <- train(formula,  data=inputStory4.1, method="glm", family="binomial",
                 trControl = ctrl, tuneLength = 5)
cv_auc <- mod_fit$pred
new <- (predict(mod_fit, type = "prob")) %>% mutate(relate= ifelse(new$`0` > new$`1`, new$`1`, new$`0`))

cv_auc$predict <- new$relate

auc_crossvals <- data.frame()
for (i in seq(1,9)){
  name <- paste0("Fold0",i,".Rep1")
  cv_auc1 <- cv_auc %>% 
    dplyr::filter(Resample == name) %>% 
    mutate(auc = pROC::auc(as.numeric(obs), as.numeric(predict)))
  auc_crossvals <- rbind(auc_crossvals, cv_auc1 %>% dplyr::select(auc) %>% unique())
for (i in seq(10,99)){
  name <- paste0("Fold",i,".Rep1")
  cv_auc1 <- cv_auc %>% 
    dplyr::filter(Resample == name) %>% 
    mutate(auc = pROC::auc(as.numeric(obs), as.numeric(predict)))
  auc_crossvals <- rbind(auc_crossvals, cv_auc1 %>% dplyr::select(auc) %>% unique())
ggplot()+geom_histogram(data=auc_crossvals, aes(x=auc), bins=10, color="grey70", fill="#154f4a")+scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0,1)) + labs(title="Cross-Validated Area Under the Curve")
write.csv(inputStory4.1, "C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/SpreadsheetData/crossvalidation.csv")
crossvalid <- read.csv("C:/Users/Evan Cernea/Box Sync/MUSA_Practicum/SpreadsheetData/crossvalidation.csv") %>% select(-X)
spatialCV <- function(dataFrame, uniqueID, dependentVariable) {
  #initialize variables  
  training <- 0
  testing <- 0
  tuner <- 0
  currentUniqueID <- 0
  uniqueID_List <- 0
  y <- 0
  endList <- list()
  #create a list that is all the spatial group unqiue ids in the data frame (ie all the neighborhoods)    
  uniqueID_List <- unique(dataFrame[[uniqueID]])  
  x <- 1
  y <- length(uniqueID_List)
  #create a counter and while it is less than the number of counties...  
  while(x <= y) 
    #call a current county    
    currentUniqueID <- uniqueID_List[x]
    #create a training set comprised of units not in that county and a test set of units
    #that are that county
    training <- dataFrame[ which(dataFrame[[uniqueID]] != uniqueID_List[x]),]
    testing <- dataFrame[ which(dataFrame[[uniqueID]] == uniqueID_List[x]),]
    trainingX <- training[ , -which(names(training) %in% c(dependentVariable))]
    testingX <- testing[ , -which(names(testing) %in% c(dependentVariable))]
    trainY <- training[[dependentVariable]]
    testY <- testing[[dependentVariable]]
    #tune a model - note I have hardwired the dependent variable and the trainControl    
    tuner <- glm(trainY~., data = trainingX, family=binomial)
    #come up with predictions on the test county
    thisPrediction <- predict(tuner, testingX, type="response")
    #calculate mape and mae and count of records for a given training set (to get a sense of sample size).
    thisAUC <- pROC::auc(as.numeric(testY),as.numeric(thisPrediction))
    countTestObs <- nrow(testingX)
    #add to the final list the current county and the MAPE    
    thisList <- cbind(currentUniqueID, thisAUC,countTestObs)
    #create a final list to output
    endList <- rbind(endList, thisList)
    #iterate counter    
    x <- x + 1 
  #return the final list of counties and associated MAPEs  
  return (

inputStory6 <- cbind(inputStory4.1,inputStory5.1)

inputStory7 <- inputStory6 %>% dplyr::filter(inputStory6$Neighborho != 4) %>% 
  dplyr::filter(Neighborho != 8) %>%
  dplyr::filter(Neighborho != 16) %>%
  dplyr::filter(Neighborho != 20) %>%
  dplyr::filter(Neighborho != 23) %>%
  dplyr::filter(Neighborho != 35) %>%
  dplyr::filter(Neighborho != 38) %>%
  dplyr::filter(Neighborho != 41) %>%
  dplyr::filter(Neighborho != 44) %>%
  dplyr::filter(Neighborho != 49) %>%
  dplyr::filter(Neighborho != 53) %>%
  dplyr::filter(Neighborho != 56) %>%
  dplyr::filter(Neighborho != 73) %>% 
  dplyr::filter(Community !="UNIVERSITY")

wow <- inputStory7 %>% 
  group_by(Neighborho, Lead_Hazar) %>% 

inputStory8 <- inputStory7 %>% dplyr::select(c(Lead_Hazar, Neighborho, Neighborho1, BUILD_YR.x , Community , 
  BuildingUs , PermitCountTotal.x , OWNER_PCT1.x , Educ16.x , 
  Bedrooms , rent10 , TOT_PENALT.x , salecountTotal , d_vacant , 
  OWN90 , Vacancy80_90 , OWN70 , RENT80 , Child5to9 , yearsold , 

inputStory4.2 <- cbind(PID2, inputStory4.1)
inputStory4.2$predClass  = ifelse(inputStory4.2$prediction2 > .2 ,1,0)
inputStory4.2$Correct = ifelse(inputStory4.2$predClass == inputStory4.2$Lead_Hazar, "Correct", "Incorrect")
inputStory4.2$confuse = ifelse((inputStory4.2$predClass == 0 & inputStory4.2$Lead_Hazar == 0), "True Negative", ifelse((inputStory4.2$predClass == 1 & inputStory4.2$Lead_Hazar == 1), "True Positive", ifelse((inputStory4.2$predClass == 0 & inputStory4.2$Lead_Hazar == 1), "False Negative", "False Positive")))

inputStory4.2.1 <- inputStory4.2 %>% distinct(PID, .keep_all=TRUE)

auc.omg <- auc(inputStory4.2.1$Lead_Hazar, inputStory4.2.1$prediction2)

caret::confusionMatrix(inputStory4.2.1$Lead_Hazar, as.factor(inputStory4.2.1$predClass))

pfn$PID <- as.character(pfn$PID)

pfn_new <- left_join(inputStory4.2, pfn, by="PID")
pfn_new1 <- st_as_sf(pfn_new)
pfn_new1$x <- st_coordinates(pfn_new1)[,1]
pfn_new1$y <- st_coordinates(pfn_new1)[,2]
pfn_new2 <- pfn_new1 %>% na.omit()
baseMap + geom_point(data=pfn_new2, aes(x=pfn_new2$x, y=pfn_new2$y, color=Correct)) + mapTheme() + labs(title="Correct and Incorrect Predictions")

spatialCV_results <- spatialCV(inputStory8, "Neighborho", "inputStory8$Lead_Hazar")

spatial <- = unlist(endList$currentUniqueID), thisAUC = unlist(endList$thisAUC)))

Parcels_fo_year$stepwise_predict <- predict(stepwise.train, Parcels_fo_year, type="response")

Parcels_mapping <- Parcels_fo_year %>% 
  dplyr::group_by(Neighborho) %>% 
Parcels_sum <- Parcels_fo_year %>% 
  dplyr::group_by(Neighborho) %>% 
  dplyr::summarise(sum = sum(stepwise_predict))

Parcels_map_sum <- cbind(Parcels_mapping, Parcels_sum)
Parcels_map_sum$rate <- Parcels_map_sum$sum/Parcels_map_sum$count